Page 132 of Little Girl Vanished
Thanks Louise. I’m meeting with Drew now. I’ll call you when I’m done.
Oh, one more thing. The body out by the laundromat was Phoebe Whelan
She was Danny Sylvester’s girlfriend
Chapter 36
“Everything okay?” Drew asked with a worried look.
How much did I tell him?
I glanced up as I tucked my phone away. “So you said your brother has a girlfriend?”
He made a face. “Yeah. I think she works for Ricky Morris, not that it surprises me given the company my brother keeps. Why?”
“Does your brother have a job?”
“He works at a convenience store in Wolford. Why?”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
He became agitated. “What’s the deal with the interrogation? I told you; I’ve only seen him once.”
“But when?”
“I don’t know,” he said, running his hand over his head. “Right after I moved back home. He’d just moved to Wolford. He’d been living with my father after he got out of prison.”
“When did he get out?”
“Last August.”
“And when did he move to Wolford?”
“Maybe the end of October.”
After my break-ins. What if Barry wasn’t the one who’d broken into my house? What if it had been Danny? But how did Danny’s dead girlfriend play into this?
Drew finished off his beer. “I’ve got an early shift tomorrow and talking about this shit depresses the hell out of me. I know you want answers about your sister, but I’m not sure I have anything else to add. Can we maybe do it some other time?”
I wanted to tell him no, we needed to discuss this now, but I wasn’t sure what else he could tell me, and I wasn’t willing to share my inside information.
“Sure,” I said with an apologetic smile. “I’ll cover your beers if you want to take off.”
“Thanks,” he said and slid off his stool. “And for what it’s worth…I’m sorry about your sister.”
He started to go, then turned back to face me. “Why’d you really shoot that kid?”
The blood drained from my face. “What?”
“You said he had a gun, but I hear there are some crooked cops up in Little Rock.”
“I’m not crooked.”
He glanced at my empty glass and gave me a dry look. “Maybe not, but we both know you have no business being a cop. Not like this.”
The buzzing in my head was so overpowering I couldn’t find the words to answer him. Not that he stuck around for my answer. He’d already headed out the exit.
What the fuck was that?