Page 115 of Little Girl Vanished
Chapter 31
I left the restaurant a little later, unable to finish my food. My father gave me a long hug when we left, then asked if I’d changed my mind about working for the firm. I still wasn’t convinced it was a great idea, but there was no doubt I was desperate, so I said yes. He asked if I wanted to get a head start on looking for a place for us, but I told him my day was pretty full.
His eyes narrowed. “What are you up to?”
“No good,” I teased. “If Donna doesn’t find anything, I’ll start in a few days.”
He gave me a worried look but didn’t press, leaving me there on the sidewalk.
I headed back to my car and approached the driver’s door carefully, terrified I’d find another note, but there was nothing.
I wasn’t sure what to do next. I didn’t have any other leads, and I was still waiting for Hale’s call. A trip to see Stevens was probably pointless given what my father had told me, but I doubted I’d be able to convince Hale or Malcolm of that.
With nothing else to do, I headed home. I still needed to make my bed, and I could get a head start on looking for somewhere for my father to move. While he’d offered to let me move in with him, I still hadn’t made up my mind. It might be awkward since we didn’t know each other very well. Besides, I’d be making some money as of next week. And although I didn’t know how much I’d be earning, I hoped it would be enough to rent a small apartment. It might not be up to the standards I was used to, but I’d make do.
A pile of my sheets was on my bed when I walked into my apartment, and I couldn’t help feeling relieved that I wouldn’t have to face my mother. The non-response to my text was enough to tell me she was giving me the silent treatment.
I made the bed, then started an internet search for two-bedroom places for my dad. Even if I didn’t move in, he needed a spare room for an office or guest room. I’d made a list when my phone rang with Hale’s number.
“Hey,” I answered, nerves getting the best of me. His call probably meant the meeting was all set up.
“You and Skeeter have an appointment at six. Don’t be late.”
“Six? Visitors’ hours don’t go that late.”
“You’re a special kind of visitor.”
I glanced at the time on my laptop. It was three-thirty, and it would take us an hour to get there. “Am I picking up Malcolm?”
“He’ll meet you there.”
“Won’t he have trouble getting in if he’s a suspect in Eddie Johnson’s murder?”
“You let me worry about that.”
He hung up, and I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. I probably should have told him about my conversation with my father, but I knew it would have been wasted breath. Besides, now that I’d accepted that I was about to see my sister’s murderer, I wanted to do it. I needed to confront the bastard who’d killed my sister and destroyed our lives.
I poured myself a drink and nursed it, congratulating myself for not getting a drink as soon as I’d come home and for taking my time with it. I needed to figure out what to say to Stevens. I tried to come up with a list of questions, but it was pointless. The only way I could prepare for this was to figure out a way to keep from crying. Bottom line, there was no possible way to prepare, and it was time to leave.
My anxiety ratcheted the closer I got to the prison. When I pulled into the visitors’ parking lot at five forty-five, I wasn’t surprised to see Malcolm standing next to his motorcycle.
I parked next to him.
“Wondered if you’d flake out,” he said as I got out of the car.
“I should warn you that I don’t back down from challenges very easily, Malcolm,” I said as I started toward the entrance, leaving him to follow.
“Good to know,” he said as he fell into step beside me.
A man in a suit met us at the entrance once we were inside.
“Mr. Malcolm and friend? If you’ll follow me.”
And friend? Carter Hale had made it sound like Malcolm needed me to get in.
Malcolm nodded, and I stared at the man’s back in disbelief as he led us through security without us signing in. He didn’t appear to know my name. Had Hale done that on purpose?
How many violations were we breaking here? How had Hale pulled this off? A new worry burrowed into my gut. What had I gotten myself into?