Page 80 of Man Splain
I looked up from my shuffling. “Yes. Now that you’re Mrs. James, these are all standard.”
She blinked. “Oh. Right. A prenup.”
I frowned. Prenup? That would have happened before a wedding, not after. “No, this is a contract with the James Inn San Juan to handle the coffee. Just a formality after the deal with Mav. Then this one”–I held up a different contract–“is for the warehouse in Costa Rica.” I rearranged the pile to find the one I was looking for. The one that gave her the deed to my apartment in Denver. I had no clue where she lived in Hunter Valley, something I needed to fix, but I wanted her to know she was mine and that I would come home to her. That it wasn’t my place in Denver, but ours. “Ah. This one. This one gives you–”
“Wait.” She held up her hands as if stopping traffic. “Wait. The warehouse in Costa Rica?”
I grinned, excited. “Yes, for us to get the coffee distributors to–”
The look on her face was not as expected. She didn’t look thrilled, she looked horrified. “Silas. No. Stop. Enough.”
Oh my God!I started to pace his office. What had I done? Holy shit.
“No?” Silas asked. “Kitten, what’s the matter?”
I spun around, sliced my hand through the air. “Don’t kitten me. God, Silas, this was supposed to be to help each other. Get you out of your jam with the deal. Me to get my trust.”
“Right.” I wasn’t understanding the problem.
“It’s not that now! Don’t you see? You saidwe.”
“We will work on the other inn and the coffee supply. We will work with the Costa Rica distributors. Are you going to help with the Hunter Valley store too?”
“I had a handyman drop by to fix the sink and the other things on the list.”
“You fixed the sink?” I said, running a hand over my hair. “You really did that? I was doing that! I was doing it all. Then you stepped in and are taking it all away from me.”
“You really want to fix the dripping sink?”
I looked up finally, glared at him.
He ran a hand over his beard. “I’m not taking anything away from you.”
“You got a deal with the coffee distributors.” I set my hand on my chest. “Mydistributors.”
He shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal. “Well, it wasn’t hard to have my people track them down. I know they’re thrilled about the changes.”
“Changes? You didn’t talk to me about the changes. You didn’t talk to me about the San Juan inn deal.”
“No!” I shouted. “I should have known you’d take over. God. All you wanted from me was these deals. These chances to make more money.”
He came around the desk slowly, as if afraid to make me more freaked out. That was impossible. I was practically shaking with anger and frustration.
“That’s not true.”
“All I am is arm candy. God, you gave me your credit card and patted me on the head to find a cute outfit while you make deals with my Costa Rican contacts.”
“You said you needed clothes.”
“Because we left Hunter Valley without me packing!” I tossed my arms up in the air. “I have clothes. Clothes that are really me, not the dress I bought to look like the proper CEO wife. I have my business, Silas. I have my trust. I don’t need you.”