Page 35 of Man Splain
“There was no mention of exclusivity. I’m a hookup when he’s in town.” And I liked watching him through my bedroom window in the mornings. “He doesn’t live here.”
“Tell that to Lindy,” Bridget reminded. “Dex doesn’t live here and now they’re married.”
“Henevermentioned marriage,” I clarified. Just because he filled my thoughts didn’t mean I expected forever.
“What if he did?”
“Marriage?” I questioned. “I barely know him.”
“Fine. What about dating? What about if he was here and you could date. Get to know each other. The whole thing. Do youlikehim?”
I thought about it. Not for long because I knew the answer. “Yes, Ilikehim. But it doesn’t matter. He’s in Japan or Jamaica or wherever. Guys, this isn’t about Silas. I need money. You said this will be tame. I’ll read erotica and wear cardigans, nothing more.”
“Are you sure?” Bridget asked, suddenly doubtful after being so eager just a minute before.
“No, but it’s worth a try. I can always stop, right?”
“Tonight,” June prompted. “We’re doing it tonight. Eight o’clock.”
I was panicking. But the amount of money she mentioned? It was worth it. Except the time. “Eight? I’m in bed by eight.”
“You’re not in first grade. You can make it until nine. Besides, any longer and you’ll panic and back out. I’ll pick some good stories on my ereader. Come by and bring whatever you have that screams virgin librarian.”
“Excuse me, Mr. James,”an employee said from the small opening she made in the conference room door. She glanced at all of us in turn apologetically for the interruption. Our meetings ran into the evening and they’d had dinner brought in.
Everyone at the table turned to look at her.
“Yes?” I asked.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but your assistant asks that you check your phone for a message.”
I offered her a small smile. “Thank you.” I glanced at the three women and two men. “I apologize, please give me just a moment.”
With a shift in my chair, I pulled my cell from my pocket and swiped for a text. From Theo.
How’s your wrist from all that jerking off? Got carpal tunnel yet?
Such a dick brother thing to send, and he clearly hadn’t gotten an update about fucking Eve in the conference room. It definitely wasn’t why Bradley interrupted a meeting. There was another text. Bridget.
Instantly, a flare of worry surged through me. I was in San Francisco. Not near Hunter Valley if something was wrong. Until this exact moment, I hadn’t really considered this challenge.
I swiped the text.
Mav and I think you’d want to know about this. Let us know if we’re wrong. Starts @ 8pm here, but not sure when that is for you.
I looked at the time on the phone. That was twenty minutes ago. Fuck! I pressed the link.
It pulled up a video and out came a loud female moan, followed by a… “Oh, that big dick is too big for my untried little pussy. It’ll be too much!”
I blinked, then practically shouted, “What the fuck?”
Shit. Everyone in the room heard the woman’s breathy voice worried about taking too much and then my response.