Page 98 of Man Cave
That’s what I told Verna earlier. That we were nothing.
I grabbed my hair. I made her feel like nothing when she waseverything.
“Come on! What’s taking so long?” I shouted.
No one paid me any attention. Everyone was busy doing their jobs and I was standing around with my thumb up my ass.
“C-collar on. Board!”
A backboard was produced and worked into the car through the open passenger door. The straps were rolled up at the sides, ready.
“Cutting the seatbelt on three.” It was Mac calling from the other side. “One. Two. Three!”
Everyone shifted, and I couldn’t see a fucking thing.
Five, then ten seconds passed and then the board was slid out.
I ran over, dropped to my knees.
“O2. Vitals. Get her strapped down and I want her out of here in thirty. I’ll assess on the way to the ER.”
I ran my hands over her as the straps were put across her, securing her to the board. I lifted the hem of her shirt–the one I recognized her wearing earlier–to look for signs of bruising, felt for possible internal bleeding.
I stood and moved back out of the way.
“On three.” The firefighters hoisted her in unison and hustled her to the back of the waiting ambulance.
I slid onto the bench beside her, the paramedic at my side. Mac stood between the open back doors, and he gave me a smile. I tipped my chin, then he slammed the doors shut. I heard the slap on the side of the rig and we were off.
I was back in trauma surgeon mode, and this was one patient whose name I knew.
She wouldn’t be a fucking quota, like I told Verna. She was mine. I was going to make her mine, tell her what she meant to me. How much of a dumbass I was.
If she lived.
I woke up to beeping.And the strong smell of cleaning supplies. And a wicked headache.
I blinked my eyes open, turned toward the voice. The one I recognized and was oh-so-soft. Like a gentle whisper.
I felt a hand in mine, a thumb brushing over my palm.
He sat beside the bed, leaning toward me. His gaze raked over my face, but I didn’t see any of his usual tenseness. Or anger. Or lust. Or any other emotion I was used to from him.
Now, all I saw was tenderness.
“There’s my tiger. I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.”