Page 75 of Man Cave
I looked to Silas. “Do you really want to know?”
He studied me, considered it. Did anyone really want to know a diarrhea story unless you were seven? It was right up there with farts. “No.”
Mav only laughed, pulled Bridget down on top of him and gave her a kiss. “You should work with Hunter at the police station. Your detective skills are impressive.”
Hunter. Fuck. The guy who’d interrupted me and Mallory.
“Back to Mallory. Why did you come in here all pissed?” Silas asked. “I know I don’t live here and all, but I’m trying to keep up. It’s really fucking complicated for small town life.”
“Move here,” Bridget said earnestly.
Silas laughed as if the idea was ridiculous.
“I bought her a gift and she didn’t like it,” I answered.
“That’s not like her,” Bridget responded with a frown. “Mallory loves cute things. What did you get her? A necklace? Lingerie? Those cute fuzzy socks she always wears around the house?”
I shook my head. “A house.”
I stuckmy head in the door of Room 314, Bridget’s physics classroom, just as a bell rang. All of a sudden, it was like a stampede of wild teenagers. I stepped back so I didn’t get trampled.
As the room emptied, the hall filled and I moved inside.
Bridget was behind her desk organizing papers.
“I think I like six-year-olds better,” I said, when I watched the swarm of students moving around in the hallway. They were loud, obnoxious and made me slightly fearful of our future.
But then I remembered what Silas, Mav, and I were like at that age. Dex had been little then, like those six-year-olds and their missing teeth.
Bridget looked up, grinned. “I’m surprised they let you in.”
I tapped the sticker I’d slapped on my shirt that indicated I was a visitor. “I had to show my ID and explain how I knew you. I was expecting to give a urine sample but coincidentally Tom the history teacher was checking his mailbox and vouched for me.”
She pushed her glasses up and grinned. “The gym teacher is ruthless.”
“Remind me not to date her.”
She frowned and gave me a slightly dirty look. Dirty as in she wanted to kill me with a rusty butter knife. “I thought you were dating Mallory.”
I shook my head. “We’re not dating.”
“Just having sex.”
“This is lunch period, so you aren’t here for physics. What’s up?”
“Where’s Mallory?” I asked.Thatwas the reason for my impromptu stop at Hunter Valley High School.
“I thought you’re not dating.”
“We’re not. She missed our usual six o’clock visit last night.”
She put the papers down, turned and leaned against her desk. Then she changed her mind and crossed the room to shut the door. The hallway had settled down, probably because everyone was in the cafeteria. Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked–at least tried–to look formidable. She was too small to be anything but a little scary. Like a honey badger with glasses.