Page 66 of Man Cave
“What do you mean, what?” she pushed.
“They’re my friends.” I thought of Annie and Trixie and how they’d kept me from freaking out being put in jail that night. It had been really flipping scary. Until they started chatting me up and gave me sexy times tips that had come inveryhandy.
“Are you serious?”
“Don’t be judgy.”
“I’m notjudgy,” she countered, absently straightening a hand towel. The powder room was as posh as the rest of the house, with a frosted window to let in tons of light and a heated toilet seat. “They’re strangers.”
“They’re my friends,” I repeated. “You forget I can make friends anywhere.”
She huffed. “Like in lockup?”
“Exactly,” I countered, a little hurt. She made it sound like I was a serial offender, where I hung out on a Saturday night to catch up just for fun. “Both women are really nice. I needed to find a local lawyer to represent me and they’re the only people I know in the city to get a referral.”
“Did they find you one?”
I nodded, then smiled. “Yeah, and she–the lawyer–said she’d represent me. Cheap.”
Trixie had connected me with the woman, and we’d talked for a short time about my case. That it would be a quick ten minutes in court, and she was sure the charges would be dropped. She’d charge me only for the time before the judge, since she would already be at the courthouse for Trixie’s and Annie’s hearings.
Bridge eyed me warily. “Cheap like you’re going to end up doing hard time because she’s incompetent or cheap because she feels sorry for you?”
“Probably the latter.” I thought for a moment because she was making me doubt myself, and the lawyer. “Hopefully not the first.”
“Mal,” she sighed.
“If Annie and Trixie haven’t had any charges stick and they reallyaresoliciting, then I feel confident she’ll get me off.” I did. I did. Aspen’s manifesting in action.
She was quiet for a moment. “What’s your plan then?”
“I’m driving down on Monday. Crash on Annie’s couch that night. My court appearance is at nine-thirty on Tuesday morning. Then I’ll drive back.”
I checked and the flight cost so much more than it would to drive.
“You can use Mav’s jet, I’m sure,” she offered, sounding like someone becoming used to theverygood things in life. Most people offered a shop vac or a ladder, not an airplane.
I wasn’t looking forward to the thirteen hours on the highway… round trip, and I knew how nice the private jet was, but there was no way I could use it. I’d been ignoring Cheryl because I had no money to give her. I didn’t want to hear her mean words or excuses, so I just didn’t respond to her consistent texting and voicemails.
I wasn’t going to take advantage of Mav. Or any of the James brothers for their plane. I hadn’t earned it and while I was sleeping with Theo, it wasn’t a relationship. He’d made that clear with the whole cum, clean up, and clear out routine. We were nothing like Bridge and Mav.
“Not a chance.”
“I’ll go with you then,” she offered. “Road trip.”
I shook my head. “You have school.”
“So do you.”
“I took it off.”
“I’ll take it off.”
“You can’t explain a spontaneous Monday trip to Vegas with me to Mav. Especially when we’ll only be in town less than twelve hours. Not happening.”
“I’ll just tell him it’s a secret.”
I gave her a look. “Like that’s going to go over with him. He’ll get the truth out of you one or another.”