Page 53 of Man Cave
“Theo, this is Aspen. This is her studio. This is Theo James, Mav’s brother.”
Aspen was open and generous and calm where I was loud and obnoxious. Her energy was soothing and mine seemed… snarled. She was so flipping chill and pretty I hated her sometimes.
“Great place,” he said, glancing around. The studio was on the second floor of an old building on Main Street. The ceilings were tall, the walls plain brick. Soft music came from speakers in the corners. Hints of lavender and citrus were in the air.
She shook Theo’s hand. “First time?”
There was no innuendo there, but it made me blush since the basis for our entire relationship–me and Theo–was based on sex.
“Yes. I’m trying new things,” he replied.
I realized how attractive a couple they’d make. Aspen, tall and willowy and relaxed all the time beside Theo’s handsome good looks and intelligence. She’d soothe his hard edges and he’d not rile her up or mess with her chakras or anything.
But he didn’t offer her more than a neutral smile and his gaze didn’t drop to her sports bar and snug leggings.
“I’ll get you a mat and some blocks.”
When she left to do that, Theo leaned in. “Will you be gentle with me?” His question wasallinnuendo.
I rolled my eyes. “You don’t want gentle.”
Aspen came our way and he offered her a glance, but replied to me. “No, I don’t want gentle.”
“Here you go.” She handed him a rolled mat and set two blocks on the glossy wood floor. “Any injuries or anything I need to be aware of?”
“He’s a doctor,” I told her.
Her eyes widened in awareness. “You’re Dr. Robinson’s replacement.”
Theo nodded. “That’s me.”
“Welcome to Hunter Valley. Follow anyone in the class if you get lost, but you can’t go wrong with keeping your eyes on Mallory.”
She winked at me.
I flushed.
“I will,” he replied.
“Two rules in my class,” Aspen offered. “If it hurts, stop doing it. And most of all, have fun.”
“Fun. Right.”
Have fun.
Have fun.
Why was everyone telling me to have fun?
Fun sucked.
Yoga was fun? Holy fuck, yoga was hell. Bending and reaching and holding poses and breathing and… FUCK.
“Breathe in, forward fold. Breathe out, halfway lift. Breathe in, forward fold. Breathe out, step back, plank.”