Page 11 of Man Cave
I could totally relate. Who wanted a relationship? All they were was fucked up. Being raised by a narcissist would do that to a guy. Except Mav and Dex were proving finding the right woman didn’t mean a fucked-up love.
Theyfell for their women. Fell hard, and fast.
As for me? With Mallory, it would be a community service to her, offering her my dick and other skills where her clit was concerned. And her nipples. Shit, and her pussy, which had to be so fucking tight.
I shifted on the couch because my dick was fucking hard at the wrong time. Again. Second time in one day.
I’d never gotten hard for a patient before. Never. Then one twenty-four-year-old teacher in a paper gown and duck socks and the damned thing wouldn’t go down.
Mav turned his gaze from the TV and eyed me.
“Maude’s long gone,” I promised. “Thank fuck. But you? You’re so whipped you’re sitting here for the hour your woman’s at yoga.”
He shrugged his broad shoulders, completely unaffected by me taking a swipe at his man card. “Maybe, but she’s going to be all nice and flexible when she’s done taking the class with Mal. She does the bending and stretching, and I get all the perks.”
Mav grinned. Actually grinned.
I frowned. The fucker just had to drop that Mallory was doing yoga as well. Instantly, an image of her in tight leggings, bent over with her ass in the air, filled my head. Maybe I’d take her that way first and show her how good it could be from behind. I’d pull her hair and she’d–
Fuck. Fuck! Stop thinking about it. Her. If Mav saw how I was getting hard, there would be problems. I didn’t have a laptop to hide behind.
So I switched back to Maude, which was a perfect dick deflator. “You know I didn’t move here because of Maude.”
“Then why? It’s like that hospital was your man cave.”
I’d shown up the week before in an early snowstorm, unannounced and dropped the bomb on him and Bridget that I was moving here. Six months ago, I wouldn’t have believed it either.
“All I saw in Denver was the inside of the hospital or inside of a body. For years. I’m unfeeling.”
“Cleary, since you fucked Maude.”
I frowned but didn’t argue with him. She was definitely a sign of my numbness.
“A kid came in. MVA. Stupid parents didn’t put his seatbelt on him and got in an accident. Ejected. Lost an arm from that, barely alive in the ER. Ended up dying on the operating table.”
“Shit, dude. I’m sorry.”
I shook my head, remembering looking at the clock on the wall in the OR and calling the time of death.
“I didn’t feel anything. I think back, still don’t. I should. Fuck, I’m totally broken. A child died horribly when it was completely preventable. I could’ve been at the grocery store picking out toilet paper for all the emotion I felt over it.”
Mav stayed quiet, just took a pull of beer. The hockey announcer’s voice followed the game on screen, but I wasn’t paying it any attention.
“Last week I was at a conference in Arizona and Bradley called me and told me about this job opening and I–”
“Yeah, what the fuck’s that about?” Mav cut in to ask. “He was head hunting for you?”
I sat up, placed my beer on the chunk of wood that served as a coffee table, rested my elbows on my knees. “No. I never asked him to do anything like that. He’s your assistant. But he’s a horse whisperer or something.”
“That make you the horse?”
I shrugged. “He called me and said there was an opening at a practice here and I should consider it. Said it was Monday through Friday and every other Saturday morning. No surgery. No one dies.”
“Hell, I’d take that job,” he replied. Before he met Bridget and pretty much relocated to Hunter Valley, he worked sixty to eighty hour weeks. Now he focused solely on the James Inn sector he was building, but the one here in Hunter Valley specifically. “What makes you think you’ll start caring for patients here?”
I shrugged, thinking of the mix of locals I saw today. STD, vaccinations, ear infections, strep throat, and… Mallory.
I sure as shit felt something when I was with Mallory. Lust. Desire. Attraction. Need. Jealousy. Possessiveness.