Page 77 of Man Candy
He shared it and I was pleased. Not that I needed any more fucking money, but I knew my value.
“And the youth program add-on?” I asked. This was the important part.
“In there.”
I sat up, planted my feet on the floor. “Yes.”
“Ellen’s a shrewd woman. I guess she wanted to see if the story stayed the same. Ultimately, she was pleased. Between all the work you’ve done in the past and the new leaf you’ve turned–”
“New leaf?”
“Having a girlfriend. I tossed that in there when Ellen waffled. Plus, I pushed how you were doing volunteer coaching in your off season.”
I rubbed a hand over my face.
“Lindy’s not a stunt.”
“Doesn’t matter. They love you and that you met a small-town girl and fell in love.”
It was accurate, but what did Scott actually tell her? Was he spouting romance stories better than Lindy? “It does matter. I’m not with her for this contract.”
“Fine. Whatever you say. Still, a stroke of genius.”
I frowned, wondering if I liked him being my agent. He was mercenary and this deal made him a shit ton of money. I wouldn’t put it past him to pay Lindy’s neighbor to drop his dead tree on her house just to get us together. Hell, Mallory might even do it.
“Send the contract to me and my lawyer to review,” I told him.
“Will do. You’ll get it after Vegas this weekend.”
“Vegas? I’m in Montana.” I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. No skyscrapers. No car horns or millions of people. Fuck, I really liked it in Hunter Valley.
“There was an opening at the golf invitational. Players from all sports playing for their favorite charities.”
“This weekend? I just got back last night.”
“So? You travel like this all season.”
“It’s off season.”
“It’s for charity,” he countered, knowing that would get me to Nevada more than any other reason. “Guaranteed donation. If you win, or place, even more.”
He knew how to snag me. I loved opportunities to get money to my charity of choice. This was definitely one. A sports star-studded weekend in Vegas and money went to those in need. I couldn’t turn it down.
He knew it.
“Okay. Fine.”
“I’ll get you booked out on Friday.”
I stood, scratched my balls and headed to the shower. “I’ll get there on my own.”
Now I had to tell Lindy I was leaving again.