Page 63 of Man Candy
Theo stood, nodded in greeting. “Hi.”
“This is Lindy, my sister,” Bridget said, making introductions.
“The doctor,” I said, as if I could tell the four apart by their professions. “Nice to meet you.”
Theo looked nothing like Dex. Or Mav. He was tall, over six feet, and solid, he didn’t have the bulk of the other two. I knew there was one more brother, Silas, but hadn’t met or seen a photo of him.
He studied me and I tried not to squirm. Was he always this intense? “Lindy. Ah, it all makes sense now.”
I frowned because I had no idea what that meant.
“You mean her and Dex? I know, right?” Bridget said, putting the slices on a plate.
“Know what?” I asked, glancing between them.
Bridget set the knife down and turned to lean a hip against the counter and put a hand on her hip. “Know that you and Dex have been very busy this week. That’s why I didn’t even text you. You should be proud I showed such restraint.”
I hadn’t even thought about it. Or much else since we’d been busy.
“Yes, I had work and Dex got roped into coaching every kids’ hockey team in town.”
“Not that.” She rolled her eyes, then waggled them. “I mean you took my advice.”
I blushed, remembering what she and Aspen had pushed for on Monday during Sierra’s practice. It was impossible not to. The things that Dex and I did since I told him I wanted him to fuck me were naughty and extensive.
“And what I said stands, too. He’s temporary,” I reminded her, again. “On his way to Finland right now. Finland! I mean, I’m sure it’s a lovely country and all, but that proves my point even more.”
“Finland’s great though. Amazing saunas. Ever been?” Theo asked.
“To a sauna or Finland? No to both,” I replied. I wanted to travel, but that country wasn’t that high on my list.
“You could’ve gone with him,” Bridget prodded.
“To Finland?” I asked, a little surprised. “He told me this morning about three minutes before he left.”
“No kidding. I came up to hang with him and he never told me he was headed out of town. I can see why now.”
I frowned and pushed on. “I have a job. I can’t just go to Finland.”
How many times did I say Finland?
Bridget narrowed her eyes. “He’s coming back… Sunday?”
“Monday.” Even longer. He only left this morning, and I was counting the hours. This feeling I had… longing, was a big problem. I wasn’t supposed to be so… needy with a fling.
“He has training camp or preseason or whatever in September,” I told her, pointing out his upcoming schedule.
“It’s July!” Bridget said, as if I needed a reminder.
“It’s not Hunter Valley.”
“He meets everything under the toaster,” she reminded, referring to my man list.
“Except he won’t be here.”
“Toaster? Are you talking in girl code?” Theo asked.