Page 48 of Man Candy
“God, no,” Aspen added.
“Here’s the problem. He has a job,” I pointed out. “No, a career. In Denver. That starts up again soon. In Denver. I don’t need to know anything about the sport to know that teams travel to games all the time. Away from Denver. I told you the other night he was temporary when I didn’t even know what he did. Now? It’s official. He’s definitely not permanent, not even in–”
“Denver,” Bridget finished. “So?”
“So… I’m looking for permanent.”
“Girlfriend, you should be looking for orgasms,” Aspen said. “And with Dex James. You literally owe it to me, and all women in the world, to fuck that man.”
I had to laugh at Aspen. She’d been divorced for a few years and as long as I’d been taking her classes, hadn’t been in a serious relationship.
“You can have him.” As soon as I said that I wanted to yank the words back because of a fierce need to keep Dex as all mine.
“He wants you,” Aspen pointed out.
Bridget nodded. “He does and don’t tell me he hasn’t made that clear.”
I nodded. “He has.”
You’re my woman.
I’ll share a bed with you and spank your ass if needed, but you’re not getting my mouth or my dick until you beg.
I squirmed on the hard metal bleachers at the thought of Dex bending me over that table again and spanking me some more, then tugging down my thong and thrusting into me so–
“And you’ve turned him down? What is wrong with you?” Bridget winced again. “Sorry. Sorry! That was insensitive. There’s nothing wrong with you. But why, Lind, are you holding him off? He’s nice. Sweet. Gorgeous. Successful. Everything you have on your man list.”
It was true. He did fit everything on the list.
“I don’t know what this man list is, but he can probably go all night. And go at it hard. Rough. Whatever you want.”
I did want it hard and rough. Gah!
“He’s not staying in town!” I tossed my hands up. “Why should I waste time with Dex when he’s not Mr. Right?” I raised my voice, and I knew it was filled with frustration.
“Forget about Mr. Right. Go for Mr. Right Now,” Bridget advised. “Seriously. If he wants you and you want him, do him. Every which way. Have a fling, Lind. Have fun. You’ve earned it.”
“Hell, yes. You’ve totally earned Dex James and his magical dick.” Aspen sighed. “I know it’s magical. It has to be.”
I felt it just this morning. It was. It so was. Did I go for it? Go for Dex? I was sleeping in his bed, so why not have a fling. I could have the full Dex James experience and when he left, I’d be a few dozen–most likely, hopefully–orgasms richer. I could handle that, right? But what about online, when I saw him in the winter with other women? Could I handle it? Could I give up that magical dick? I had to.
So sex and lots of it for the next few weeks. I could do it. I wanted to soooo bad.
I looked to Aspen and Bridget, who nodded.
I could do this. I wanted to. I needed to. It was time to fuck Mr. Right Now.
* * *
Word traveled that I was at the rink because after the girls’ practice, a Bantam team had the ice next. The coach asked if I would stay and run their practice as well. I couldn’t turn down a group of fourteen-year-old boys. I remembered when I was that age, and I was always up for giving back. One of them may be drafted in a few years and if I could help with that, I was all in.
Besides, it was fun to be on the ice again. No one commented on the bar fight or anything about it playing out in the media. People took photos with me, and I signed jerseys, helmets and even the back of a grocery store receipt before I was allowed off the ice where Lindy was waiting for me.