Page 106 of Man Candy
Fortunately, he only took ten.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked, eyeing me with surprise. I didn’t show up anywhere unexpected, let alone my brother’s place during a rogue snowstorm.
Scout, his trusty mutt sidekick, circled around my legs with too much exuberance for a dog who loved to sleep twenty hours a day.
I pushed past Mav into the warm house, Scout following. “Fucking weather.”
The frigid wind was thankfully cut off as he shut the door.
I rubbed my hands together. “It was barely snowing when the plane landed. There’s got to be four inches now.”
“This is Montana,” he replied as I toed off my shoes.
“It’s October,” I countered. Denver, where I lived, had snow as early as September, but none had fallen yet. Not that I would have known because I barely left the hospital. I had an apartment that I hardly slept in.
“This is Montana,” he repeated.
I wiped a hand over my hair, brushing soggy snow to the wood floor.
“Theo!” Bridget said, surprise in her voice as she came around the corner from the kitchen. “I thought you were the pizza guy.”
I shrugged. “Sorry.”
“I didn’t know you were coming,” she added.
Mav crossed his arms over his massive chest and raised a dark brow because he was wondering the same thing.
“Last minute decision.”
“Want a beer or a–”
“Beer,” I said.
Bridget turned on her thick, fleece socks and I followed her into the kitchen.
She already had a beer from the fridge and held out before I caught up.
“Thanks.” I twisted off the top and took a deep swig. Fuck, that was good.
“I like the beard.” She reached out and tapped my chin. “New look for you.”
I sighed. Like the snow, the day melted away as I stood here.
Mav came in, leaned a hip against the counter.
“I thought you were at some medical conference in Phoenix,” he said, after taking his usual time studying me. As if he could tell what all my problems were from my black dress pants, button up shirt and cashmere overcoat.
“I was. The weather was a hell of a lot better,” I grumbled. I set the bottle down and shrugged out of my coat.
“Then why didn’t you stay there? If you want a break, the desert must be amazing,” Bridget said, her voice laced with the wistfulness of someone who lived in the fucking Tundra.
Mav cocked his head and eyed her. “You want to go to Arizona, baby?”
I wanted to roll my eyes at him, but held back. I was in his house and I had no interest in being shoved back out in the cold. Over the summer, he’d handed his man card to Bridget when he fell for her in a week. A week! Dex soon followed with Bridget’s sister, Lindy, although they took a little longer.
Thankfully, there weren’t any more Beckett women so my balls were safe.
Except whenever I thought of a slightly crazy, extremely over the top woman, it wasn’t Bridget or Lindy. It was Mallory, Bridget’s best friend. The little spitfire who must drink pixie dust and sarcasm in her morning coffee. Who had the prettiest skin, the perfect curves and the sweetest ass in the time zone.