Page 75 of Man Hunt
Silas was quiet for a second. “Jesus, Mav. What about Bridget? Did you at least explain it to her? Because she didn’t seem to know you were engaged when she was screaming your name this morning.”
At this point, I didn’t care that he’d overheard us. Or that Dex and Theo probably had as well. I was cocky as hell that I was the man to bring Bridget pleasure. But I did care that he was right. When her pussy walls milked my fingers, I hadn’t even known about the shitshow either.
“Yeah, fuck. After what we learned about her last night? About that douche nozzle professor? I don’t think she’s going to handle the news well.”
That was an understatement of epic proportions. It was going to crush her and everything we’d been building together.
“I’ll call her,” I said. “Tell her.”
“Tell her what, if you can’t even tell me.”
“I’ll tell her to wait. To trust me.”
Silas laughed. “Yeah, right. That woman’s going to trust you? The guy who fucked her and fled. Who’s all over the tabloids and social media as getting married to another woman in a few days? Who got her to trust her and then fucked her six ways to Sunday and then walked away? You have to be fucking blind not see she’s fallen for you. She couldn’t be any more used than a dirty dish at a Vegas buffet.”
I groaned, then swore because his words hit me hard. And too accurate.
“I’ll make this right. I have to. I… I’ve fallen for her.”
“That is really fucking obvious. But a guy who’s fallen for a woman isn’t marrying someone else.”
* * *
Maverick called. Texted. Multiple times. Thirty-seven, to be exact, before I blocked his number. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. Any of it. The lies. The excuses. The Sorry, baby, but you were fun for the weekend. Be a good girl and fuck off now.
I gave my phone to Lindy so I didn’t search the internet for him. My laptop, too. I cried through the rest of Sunday. Monday, I didn’t go to work. What was the point? I hadn’t showered and didn’t plan to. I hadn’t slept. I wasn’t going to be productive and the only thing I was needed for was to be a human calculator.
“Go to HR with Maverick’s sex quiz. File a complaint. Sue,” Lindy had advised, in one of her angry, spiteful moments. She brought me a cup of coffee in bed and I pulled the blanket back at the dark aroma. She and Mallory had been following the gossip columns for any change in the information, that Mav had gone to them and told them it was all wrong. That he wasn’t marrying a Denver socialite on Saturday.
But he hadn’t. And that meant I didn’t want anything to do with him.
I was angry too, alternating between fits of crying and stomping around the house in bouts of rage. Then I’d climb back in bed and throw my covers over my head.
I shook my head, laying on my side, not interested in the coffee or anything else. “I’d have to talk to people about him. Tell them how much of a dupe I was. They’d no doubt look me up and see I have a track record of being a dumbass. Not only that, I’d probably be pulled into meetings or legal things with him present. I don’t want to face him. I don’t want to look at him. Hear his voice. I… I can’t.”
I pulled the pillow over my head and started to cry. Through my tears, I heard Lindy shut the door.
* * *
“You’re a dick,” Dex said when I answered the phone.
I ran a hand over my face because I’d been hearing that a lot from my brothers. From Silas since he’d called me Sunday morning. From Theo before he’d come back to town and gone back to his sixteen-hour days at the hospital.
I was exhausted. Unshaven. If not for Scout needing to go outside, I wouldn’t have left the house. I ran a billion-dollar company and I’d been reduced to day drinking on my couch with a dog for company.
Bradley had been running things for me. Who was I kidding thinking that I accomplished anything with him as my assistant. These past few days proved that. And the fact that Silas had stepped in at the site meant I could be a sorry excuse for a human.
Now I was hearing it from Dex. “Besides what you’ve done to Bridget,” he pushed on, “but I didn’t even get an invitation to the wedding. I’m going to hang with Silas here in Hunter Valley since it’s a cool as fuck town and he’s doing your job.”