Page 63 of Man Hunt
“I like this shirt,” he murmured, his finger sliding back and forth along the neckline. “I’d like it on my floor even more.”
“Okay,” I whispered, liking that idea very much. Until earlier, I hadn’t even known the level of pleasure Mav had given me. That it was even possible. He knew I hadn’t come with or from a guy before and seemed to have made it his mission to get me off.
If I had to rate his job performance, he’d get a promotion and a raise and a corner office.
He stood and I had a quick view of the thick outline of his dick in his jeans before he closed my door, went around the car and settled into the driver’s seat.
As he turned the car on, he looked at me. The stare was penetrating, filled with heat. Need. Intensity.
I swallowed and rubbed my thighs together.
He noticed and a growl escaped through gritted teeth.
Putting the car in gear, he looked over his shoulder and backed out of the parking lot.
If I was horny–which was an adjective I never used on myself before–and a little frantic for more than just the kiss, then Mav had to be ten times worse. Squared. Cubed.
I’d been naked in his lap. Sprawled on his bed. He’d had his big, ridiculously hard and amazing looking dick in hand. Then denied.
As he drove out of town, I set my hand on his thigh. The hard muscle clenched beneath my palm. I didn’t linger there, but slid upward, higher and higher until I felt the swollen head and then the thick length. Cupping it, I gave it a squeeze.
The car veered slightly, but he recorrected.
“Baby,” he said, his gaze torn from the road for a second to meet mine. “You can’t do that while I’m driving.”
I bit my lip, felt brave. Stroked him again, then undid the button on his jeans and slid down the zipper to reach inside.
“Jesus. Fuck.” His hips bucked when I touched him directly for the first time. Hot, silky flesh over steel.
Jesus. Fuck, I thought. I had no idea a dick went down a pant leg. I saw underwear models in magazine ads and they didn’t do that. Obviously. And yes, I looked.
Mav was bigger than any of those models. Longer. Thicker. At least what I saw of it earlier and what I felt now.
“Baby,” he said again, and I swore he got bigger in my hold.
My pussy clenched and I wondered if he’d fit inside me because he was big. B.I.G.
“Do you want me to stop?” I asked, watching as his knuckles turned white as he gripped the wheel.
I definitely didn’t, but I didn’t want to be found in a ditch with my hand down his pants by firefighters.
He moved a hand down to rest over mine inside the front of his jeans. Pressed down. Moved my hand how he liked.
“Fuck,” he growled again after a minute, then yanked my hand away and set it on my own thigh. He held it hostage there. “I’m not coming in my boxers. I’m coming in that hot little pussy, so be a good girl and don’t tempt me.”
“Mav,” I began, but he stopped me.
“Shh. No talking, no more squirming like that. I see you squeezing those thighs together.”
I knew the way to his place now and we took the last few turns practically on two wheels.
When he turned off the car out front, he didn’t linger. Came around and helped me out. He hadn’t even adjusted his jeans. The front was open and his boxers pushed down exposing him, so big and hard. It was a good thing he had no neighbors, not just because of his dick, but because he turned and pushed me up against the car.
“You’ve been a bad girl, baby.” His voice was a husky whisper.