Page 56 of Man Hunt
“You’re wearing this green top with this skirt.” It was the shirt I’d ordered online and a jean skirt and she wasn’t asking, she was telling. “As for makeup, let me see what you’ve got.”
She went into the bathroom and I got dressed.
“Don’t think for one second I’ve forgotten that you got eaten out by Maverick James,” she said from the bathroom.
I didn’t think she would. I was impressed she held off this long to bring it up.
I pulled the shirt over my head, then smoothed it down. It had a V neckline and while it wasn’t inappropriate, looking down I had a good view of my cleavage. What there was of it, at least.
She came out holding a lip gloss. “Didn’t we get this for a seventh-grade dance?” She sniffed it. “It’s cherry flavored. Okay, that’s just wrong.”
I bit my lip and nodded. She went to the trash can and dropped it in. “We’ll raid Lindy’s stash. Where is she, anyway?”
“Not sure. She wasn’t here when I got back.”
“So… Maverick’s pussy snack. Did you sit on his face or were you at the edge of the bed or–”
“Mal!” I cried, my cheeks heating. “I’m not telling you that.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m not. We kissed last night,” I began, giving her something.
“Last night?” Her perfectly arched eyebrows went up. “You mean at the office? You kissed Jake Ryan after I walked out?”
I nodded, then bit back a smile. “It was nothing like the movie.”
At the end of Sixteen Candles, Jake and Samantha kissed sweetly and innocently over a birthday cake. What Mav and I did was far from innocent or sweet.
“Late last night, he emailed me a sex quiz back,” I told her, catching her up.
She frowned, then her eyes widened. “Holy shit. That didn’t happen in the movie. I bet every word was hot.”
I couldn’t help but grin. “It was. God, yes. He did it so I have it as protection. So that I’m comfortable because he read mine. I can sue him or–”
“Get a shit ton of money out of the guy if you wanted. Wow.” Mal’s enthusiasm softened. “Bridge, I like this guy.”
I licked my lips, dropped onto my bed. “I do, too.”
“So he went downtown before you had sex.”
I shook my head. “We didn’t have sex. We were going to, but his brothers showed up.”
“Including Theo.”
I rolled my eyes. “God, yes. Including Theo.”
“Is he nice?”
“Yes, Theo.”
“Quiet. He’s a doctor. Trauma surgeon.”
“Ooh, hot and a doctor.” Mal fanned herself. “I wonder if he’s hungry. I’ve got something for him to eat.”
I popped up from the bed. “Oh my God. The way you talk, you’ll get along great with Dex. He’s the youngest and a professional hockey player.”