Page 51 of Man Hunt
“Me?” I asked, pointing at my chest. “That’s laughable, especially if they read the quiz.”
Using one finger, he tipped my chin up so I had no choice but to meet his dark eyes. “Baby, what did I say would happen if you talked about yourself like that again? Hmm?”
I swallowed. He said he’d spank me.
“Shit. Based on the way you’re looking at me right now, and how you asked for more earlier, spanking your ass a pretty shade of red isn’t going to be much of a punishment.” His finger shifted to tuck my hair back behind my ear.
He was probably right.
As if he couldn’t help himself, he leaned down and kissed me.
It was heated, but quick.
He stepped back, snagged my hand. “Come on. No matter how much I want to, I’m not fucking you in the woods. My brothers are harmless. They’re not assholes. I promise, whatever teasing they do, it’ll be at my expense. Not yours.”
I couldn’t stay in the pine trees forever and Mav wasn’t letting me run home. “Okay.”
He turned around and gave me his back and crouched down. As he looked over his shoulder, he said, “Climb on.”
I laughed. “What? You’re going to give me a piggyback ride?”
“You only have one shoe. Besides, this way I know you won’t run off again.”
* * *
I wasn’t kidding when I didn’t want Bridget running off. Again. She bolted from the coffee shop. From the office the night before. And now.
Enough running.
I was going to end this sex quiz email shit once and for all and I needed her to agree that it was fixed.
There was no way to make my brothers or Bradley forget what they read in her quiz, but like I told Bridget, they weren’t assholes and would treat her with respect. If they didn’t, they would after I broke their noses.
When I went back in the house, I found the three of them sitting at the kitchen island.
“That was our lunch,” I said, spotting Bridget’s glasses where I’d left them next to the couch. I grabbed them and handed them to her over my shoulder as I went into the kitchen and set her on the counter by the deep farmer’s sink.
“You weren’t eating it,” Dex said with his mouth full, eyeing Bridget with surprise.
I leaned against the counter right next to Bridget, not leaving her side. Scout came over, nudged my shin with his nose. I leaned down to stroke his ear.
“That idiot is Dex,” I told Bridget.
“What?” he asked, licking a dollop of mayo off his lip. “I’m a growing boy.”
“He’s twenty-seven, not seven, although it’s hard to tell.”
He grinned and preened under the sarcasm and gave Bridget a wink.
I glared.
“The one eating all the chips is Silas.” He offered her a little wave. “The other is Theo.” I pointed at both of them.
“Silas and I kinda already met,” Bridget said, her voice soft.