Page 22 of Shared By Two Orcs
Underneath the stars that night, I ride Duma until we are both crying out in ecstasy. He holds me tight, kissing my collarbones as he pounds my body, the quiet strength that’s always behind his kindness coming out to play.
And long after he leaves, I find myself still smiling. I keep replaying the day over and over in my mind, not able to get enough of both of them.
Both my orcs are incredible lovers, something I expected.
What I didn’t expect is the longing I would feel. Having intimate moments with each of them was more special than I expected, but now it’s made it that much harder to face the reality of my situation.
I’m home alone. Neither of them stayed, and even if I can try to get them to be closer to me, I’m not sure I can manage it.
I can’t have one or the other all the time. I can’t have all of them, even as I try to give both of them all of me. There’s no way for this to keep going as it is, and after today, I think I might have to do something about it.
I just fear what will happen when I try to.
I only have one heart. And I fear it’s going to break before either of them are happy with what I want…
Because what I want is both of them.
And I don’t think that is an option that has been left for me.
Iclose the door behind me, having returned home after an early shift. My time in the forest earlier this morning granted me some much needed time and space to dissect all my thoughts. I reflect now on my mind’s findings as I begin getting ready to go see Willo, having organized a date with her for the afternoon.
Willo blew me away from the moment I first laid eyes on her, and even more so during that fateful evening. I knew for certain there existed something special between the two of us, but the last thing I ever expected to do was share her. Strangest of all, it is Yamarz who’s also involved with her.
My relationship with that orc has always been a weird one. While I’ve had my fair share of quarrels with him, by no means do I consider him an enemy. Rather he is nothing more than an acquaintance with whomst I must put up with. He’s nothing like some of the other bastards in this camp, for one thing he doesn’t insult me every chance he gets.
“If he can make Willo happy too, then perhaps he is okay,” I say to myself as I look in the mirror. “I have enough enemies as is, why go make an adversary out of another?… Though by no means shall I go out of my way to interact with him. After all, I am in this for Willo. Speaking of, I must prepare myself for her.”
I wash my face, cleaning the sweat and dirt from it before doing the same for the rest of my body. After drying off, I take down a bottle of rirzed infused oil from my shelf. Squeezing a few drops into my hands, I rub them together then smear it all over my body, focusing on the pulse points.
I’m chewing on some herbs I picked from the forest to freshen my breath as I get dressed. I slip into a casual pair of brown work pants and throw on a beige shirt. I then clean up the mess of my armor, stowing it away with my ax inside a cabinet. Conducting a final check of my appearance in the mirror, I decide I’m ready to head out.
It feels good to dress nice for someone else. Even if I must share her, I shall still treat her as she deserves to be treated. Willo is a special girl and I’ll take her as she is. The time comes for me to leave as I open my door. The warmth of the afternoon sun feels calming on my skin as I step outside, giving me a sense of refreshment. I break out into a confident stride, wondering what Willo and I will get up to for the day.
Perhaps we will cook another meal together like last time, or share a few drinks in the afternoon sun. I could bring her out to the river where I found her bathing, I’m eager to see that body of hers once more…
My mind runs rampant with possibilities, causing me to lose awareness of my surroundings. I glance up to the sky completely oblivious of my surroundings as I walk by tables upon tables of orcs eating at the canteen. Just then, I bump into someone ahead of me, causing them to drop their tray of food to the ground. The orc lets out a disgruntled and angry sigh. All around us, the orcs turn ghost quiet.
“Son of a bitch,” mutters a familiar voice.
You’ve got to be kidding me…
The orc slowly turns around, revealing himself as my biggest nemesis in the camp, Yaghed. At the sight of me, he scoffs and shakes his head, laughing in a condescending manner as he does so.
“Well, well, well,” he chuckles. “Look who it is,” snarls Yaghed, reaching his hands toward me.
I push them away, causing him to recoil. An angry expression comes over his face as he crosses his brows.
“Have I not taught you already that you shouldn’t fuck with me?”
“It was an accident, Yaghed,” I respond. I stand there unbothered, feeling the aggression and uncertainty building up inside of me. Even then, I’m willing to apologize just to get out of there. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh you’d better be, otherwise I’d have you cleaning up this mess with your mouth.”