Page 60 of Stolen Touches
I lean back in my chair, weighing our options. “I want you to nab one of Fitzgerald’s men and bring him to me. Someone close to him. Unharmed. Make sure no one notices when you grab him, I want to keep this encounter on a need-to-know basis.”
“Where should we bring him?”
“Into the safe house downtown. Do we have any other pressing matters?”
“Do you plan on going to the City Museum opening next week?” Nino asks. “If you do, I’ll have to organize the security detail.”
“What about Rocco’s wedding? Everyone will expect to see you there.”
I’m not really in the mood for mingling with the Family, but gossip surrounding my marriage has already picked up, so I guess taking Milene to meet them is in order. “We’ll go.”
“How many bodyguards?”
If it were just me, I wouldn’t be taking any, especially to a Family wedding. “Stefano and Aldo.”
“Okay. Anything else?”
“No. That’s all.”
When Nino and Arturo leave, I pick up the phone to call Milene. She messaged me two hours earlier after getting back from the veterinarian. Barely an hour later, I found myself feeling on edge. It’s idiotic. I know she’s two floors up—in the penthouse—because I called Ada tomake sure she was there, and yet, I still have a powerful compulsion to check on her again.
“I was meaning to call you,” she says the moment the line connects. “Why is Ada moving all of my things to your room?”
“Because I told her to.”
“And it didn’t occur to you that maybe you should talk to me first?”
No. “I want you to move into my room, Milene.”
“You’re seriously lacking in social skills. You know that, right?”
She sighs. “Kurt is coming, too, just so you’re aware.”
“I’m not going to sleep in the same bed with a cat. Especially one with fleas.”
“He doesn’t have fleas. The veterinarian says he’s depressed.”
A depressed cat. “Should we sign it up for a group therapy?” I ask.
“Ha ha.”
“What do you do with a depressed cat?”
“He suggested taking in another one, so they could play.”
“He’s suffering, Tore!”
“I said no, Milene.” Another cat and I will be the one who’s suffering.
“There’s a rescue close by. We can go have a look after lunch.”
“No. More. Cats.”