Page 28 of Stolen Touches
“Maybe.” I don’t give a fuck what she watches, but I quite enjoy rattling her cage.
Milene cocks her head to the side and arches an eyebrow at me. “Is that some compulsion? Ordering people around just because and expecting them to dance to your tune?”
“It’s how things work around here, Milene.”
“So, you say jump and people ask how high?”
“Pretty much.”
She scrunches her nose. “Your life must be a really boring endeavor.”
Yes. I never realized just how much until she barged in and made a mess of my entire existence.
“Grab your purse,” I say.
“I don’t need a purse for lounging on the couch.”
“We’re going to have a look at one of the lots I bought.”
“Not interested. But thanks for the invite.” She throws a placating smile at me and shifts her attention back to the TV.
I straighten and walk toward the couch. Milene pretends she doesn’t notice me when I stop in front of her. I bend, grab her around the waist, and lift her onto my shoulder.
“What the fuck!” she yelps. “Put me down!”
Ignoring her protests, I head toward the front door. I want to spend time with her, and she has no say in it.
“You controlling, rude,overbearing asshat...” She rattles on with her insults, while she pounds on my back with her fists. It’s . . . quite amusing.
I carry her toward the elevator and get in.
“. . . absolutely no care whatsoever about other people’s wants...”
I hit the button for the garage.
“. . . find a therapist who’ll help you with your issues...”
The elevator dings when we reach the underground level. I step out and pivot toward my car as another vehicle parks next to mine, and Nino gets out.
Milene continues to babble, “. . . a fucking Neanderthal with zero...”
I pass my head of security—who stares at us with his mouth agape—open the passenger door, and deposit my wife onto the seat.
“Put on your seat belt, Milene.”
She tilts her face up and presses her lips together, then gives me the middle finger. I close her door and walk around the hood to get into the driver’s seat. Milene is sitting with her arms crossed, staring through the windshield at the concrete wall.
“Milene,” I say.
She snorts.
Reaching over, I grab her chin and turn her head. We stare at each other for almost a minute. The defiance in her eyes turns me on so fucking much. I don’t want to break her spirit because I enjoy the ways in which she tries to defy me.But she needs to understand there is a leader in every pack. And in this particular menagerie, that would be me.
“Seat belt,” I whisper.
Milene exhales through her nose, reaches for the seat belt, and tries three times before she finds the buckle. She is still looking at me, her eyes boring into mine. I move my thumb to lightly brush the line of her lower lip, then lean away and start the car.
I turn around, looking over the green expanse as far as my gaze can reach. The vast field is surrounded by trees on three sides. It’s beautiful.