Page 47 of Hidden Truths
I finish assembling the rifle, prop it on the roof’s surface, and focus the scope on the small group of people standing by a car down the alley. There are four of them at the meeting point, and only one car.
I turn on the mic. “Felix?”
“What, no more Albert thing?”
“Albert is the guy who washes dishes,” I say. “You’re Felix when conducting surveillance.”
“You’re hilarious. What’s the situation?”
“They’re early. I see four of them. One car.”
“I caught another car a bit further down, behind some dumpster, and two suspicious-looking guys in the side alley around the corner. I marked the locations and sent the map to your phone. Little Sam said he noticed another car doing laps around the block.”
“How many people inside?” I ask.
“No idea. Tinted windows.”
“Okay. Out.”
I check the location markers Felix sent on my phone, then call Roman. “Where are you?”
“Home. Nina isn’t feeling well. She caught some bug. We’re waiting for the doc.”
“What about the meeting with Dushku?”
“I sent Kostya.”
“Dushku doesn’t like the kid, you know that.”
“Yeah well, he’ll have to manage. Fucking DEA busted into Ural an hour ago. They’re combing the place. I sent Maxim to go help Pavel. Dimitri and Ivan went to Baykal in case the DEA decides to visit it as well. There wasn’t anyone else available.”
What an unusual coincidence. I look down at the Irish. “Which car did Kostya take?”
“Mine. He crashed his again, two days ago.”
“I need you to call Kostya,” I say, watching the men down below. “Tell him to turn around and get back to the mansion. Right now. And double the security.”
“O’Neil is here with three more men, waiting for me. But Fitzgerald is not. O’Neil never conducts business deals without him. There are also two other cars out of view, and some men hiding in the back alley.”
“Yes. This one’s for me. He probably has someone following Kostya’s car, too, thinking it’s you inside. Call him right away, or they’ll kill him.”
The line goes dead. I continue watching the men. At one moment O’Neil reaches for his phone and speaks to someone briefly. Five minutes later, my phone vibrates.
“Two cars intercepted Kostya at the underpass,” Roman says. “The car is abandoned there, with tires shot out.”
I take a deep breath and grit my teeth. “Call Felix. He’s already connected to the traffic cameras. I need to know where they took him. I’ll clean house here and go back to gear up.”
“You’re not going alone. You hear me?”
“Call Felix,” I bark, cut the call, and put my eye back on the scope.
I off O’Neil first. One shot, right to the chest. The man on his right is next. They’re both on the ground before the other twoeven realize what’s happening. The last two run for the car. I kill one, but the last man manages to duck out of view.