Page 13 of Hidden Truths
I bend my head slightly so our noses almost touch and stare into those light eyes. “I can’t tell you.”
His lips widen. “I will find out, lisichka.”
“Lisichka?” I raise an eyebrow. I don’t know that word.
“Little fox.” He takes my chin between his fingers. “Appropriate, don’t you think?”
“Not really.”
He smiles, shakes his head, and gets up from the recliner. I forgot just how tall he is.
“Yes, I think it’s perfect.” He brushes my chin with his thumb, then turns and heads toward the door. “Go back to sleep, my little liar.”
Roman calls around noon to let me know Mikhail is out of surgery, and that he should be okay. I pass out on the living room couch shortly afterward. I’m rarely able to sleep during the day, but my brain finally got the memo from my body, which was operating on only a couple of hours of sleep in the last three days. When I wake up, it’s already close to four.
“You need to let that girl out of your room. She’ll go moldy there,” Felix says, passing me by, and hits me with a kitchen ragon my shoulder. “And if you plan on keeping her here, you’ll need to get her some clothes. Other than Nina’s. And shoes.”
“Shit.” I sit up and rake my hand through my hair. “Where can I get female clothes?”
“In one of those things they call shops. You can find many inside the big buildings known as malls.”
“Such a comedian.” I stand up. “How about you go buy some stuff for her?”
“Oh no. She’s your prisoner, so you’re the one who should dress her and feed her. And I’m already doing the feeding part.”
“All right, fine. I’ll go right away. I have a meeting with Shevchenko later.”
“I thought Shevchenko said he doesn’t want to talk business with you anymore. Since you tried to chop off his hand and all.”
“He’s overreacting,” I throw out over my shoulder while looking for my helmet.
“So, you didn’t try to cut off his hand?”
“Of course, I did.” I shift through the throw that's been haphazardly draped over the couch. “Did you take lunch to Angelina?”
“Nope. I will go get her and give her lunch in the kitchen. She needs to stretch her legs. But you need to call Mimi off so she can come out of the room.”
“Make sure she doesn’t get away.” I whistle for my watchdog, and Mimi comes padding down the stairs. “And don’t forget to get me the info I asked for. I need everything you can find on her.” I look around the room. “Where the fuck is my helmet?”
“Dining room,” Felix says and continues dusting the TV.
“Why are you doing that? It’s Marlene’s job. Where is she?”
“She’s mad because I canceled our date since I had to play the jailer. She told me she’s taking the rest of the week off.”
“Marlene is my housekeeper. She can’t tell you she’s taking a week off.”
He turns toward me with his hands on his hips and fixes me with his gaze. “I’m getting the job done, so it doesn’t matter, does it?”
“Works for me.” I raise my hands in defense. “I’m off.”
* * *
I stop in the middle of the store and turn around, looking over the mile-long racks of female clothes. Shit. Where do I start?
“Need any help?” a store attendant asks, coming to stand next to me.