Page 132 of Possess Me
Viktor shakes his head. “You don’t know the meaning of loyalty.”
“Let’s go. I don’t have all day,” Alexei mutters.
Guards come to grab my father and forcefully remove him from the house.
I leave another guard at the door to explain to my mother I’ll be back soon.
My father is shoved into an SUV with a guard and me sitting on either side of him. Viktor takes the front passenger side while Alexei slips behind the steering wheel.
I’ve already told them where I want to take my father.
His world will end where mine ended four years ago.
We drive for thirty long minutes, and my father holds his head high all the way to the location.
Alexei brings the SUV to a stop, and I drag my father out into the field.
Shoving him down to his knees, I point my gun at him. Our eyes lock, and I say, “You’ll never destroy another life. I’m taking Mama to the US, where I’ll give her the life you never gave her. She’ll never be beaten again. She’ll be happy.”
My father just glares at me, pure hatred in his eyes.
“And I will erase the memory of you. You will leave no legacy behind.”
He lifts his chin, sucking in a deep breath of air.
When it’s clear he won’t say anything, I shake my head and fire three shots. The bullets hit, and I watch as he falls to the ground.
I aim at his head, then whisper, “This is for Vincent.” I plant a bullet in his head, then stare at his dead body.
It won’t bring Vincent back.
It won’t erase the two months of torture or the four years of living hell.
But it feels like I’ve finally gotten closure. I can let go of the past and focus on the future with my family.
A happy future.
Chapter 48
After I have Mama settled in a seat, I sit down beside her and take hold of her hand.
I wait for the private jet to take off and reach flying altitude before I look at her and say, “I have a lot to tell you.”
She frees her hand from mine and rests her palm against my jaw. “You’ve changed. There’s no sorrow in your eyes.”
“Remember Everleigh, the girl who was in captivity with me?”
“The one your father killed?”
“Yes.” A smile spreads over my face. “She didn’t die.”
Shock registers on my mother's face. “God is good.”
“I’m going to marry her,” I inform Mama. I take hold of her hand again, then say, “I have a son, Mama. Everleigh named him after Vincent.”
Mama’s face crumbles, her grief for the loss of her eldest still unbearable.