Page 56 of Monster's Bride
But now she is so defiant I wonder if I have made the wrong decision.
“Sit back down,” I demand.
She glares at me, and I stand up, my fur bristling.
For a moment it is a stand-off between us. If she continues to defy me, I will have no choice but to tie her to the bed and fuck her into submission. Which cannot help but make me grin. “I dare you not to.”
She throws her hands up in the air and sits back down. At this point she knows my tactics well.
I’m only a little disappointed she gave in.
I continue to eat my bear meat. In silence. Which grates on me.
“Speak,” I demand after another few minutes.
She just looks pointedly at me with one eyebrow lifted. Then she spears a piece of some greenery that looks like a tiny little wilted tree, and shoves it in her mouth, chewing ferociously.
She is obstinate. So fucking obstinate.
It makes me hard.
But still, I must break her of this disobedient streak. “I don’t know what this obsession with my brothers is about, anyway!” I slam the table so it rattles her plate. She grasps her water goblet right before it tips over and glares at me. She will not speak, but her face at least is still quite communicative. Mostly to let me know she is displeased with me. Except when I am making her gush.
Yet I have not given her my cock again.
It seems wrong to breed her while she is being disobedient. Last night, I brought her to the point of gush and then withdrew. Over and over, trying to elicit words from her.
And even during denied pleasure, she just kept putting her arms over her chest and denying me her voice.
Eventually, I tied her arms to the bed post, but even then, she would not break and speak. Even when her body cried out with the need to gush. When I kept her on the edge, all but torturing her with it—
I shake my head. No one is as stubborn as she is. Except perhaps my brothers. But theirs is madness, not stubbornness.
Of course!
I see it now.
Hannah-consort is so stubborn, she will not believe unless she is shown she is wrong. She is the kind who must see with her own eyes.
Is it infuriating that she does not believe what I tell her without seeing it herself? Yes. But as one who so long believed my Creator-Father’s lies without testing him, perhaps some part of me respects her for it. She has got an idea in her mind, and until I prove her wrong, she will continue in obstinacy.
Decision made, I stand up so abruptly my heavy chair scrapes across the stones.
“I understand you must see to believe,” I declare, letting her know by my tone I am not happy about it. That I am disappointed by her.
She does not appear to care. She just pops up from her chair. “Really? You’re willing to try? Oh thank you! Thank you, Abaddon!”
She bounces over to me and throws her arms around my chest, her smile wide.
I stare down at her in shock and cannot help my chest’s glow as she squeezes me. And when she looks up at me, with that happy, genuine expression of delight, it glows brighter. Which is just embarrassing. I try to tamp it down.
“You will be disappointed,” I warn, and turn away so my wings will hide the glow. I stride toward the stairs, tossing a fur from near the fireplace at her. “Cover yourself. Your nakedness will only drive them to further frenzy.”
“Thank you.” She hurries to keep up with me and wraps the fur around herself, holding it down with her arms. “I mean it. We’ll never know unless we try.”
I only grunt. Right when I feel I have regained the upper hand with her, she tilts me off balance again. I know the outcome of this little experiment of hers, and I am angry that I must go through the farce. Yet it will make her happy, even if the result will be disappointment.
None of this is what gaining a consort is meant to be like.
Except the fucking. That… is better than I ever might have thought.
The light in her eyes, too, and the feel of her taking my arm and squeezing it just now. My whole life I have only ever been… Certainly no one has ever looked at me with the light of joy or happiness in their eyes.
Perhaps she only seeks to free your brothers because she knows they are powerful, a dark voice in my head warns. They are her only hope of overpowering you. If she can get them free of their chains again, then she hopes to make another escape.
It is the only thing that makes sense.
My fur stands on end as I head down the spiral stairs into darkness.