Page 54 of Monster's Bride
I laugh incredulously at her ludicrous proposal. “They have always been what they are, and always shall they be so.”
“Why?” she asks, crossing her arms. “Have you ever tried anything different or do you just assume so?”
“I know so.”
“Have you ever tried anything different?” she asks.
She is infuriating. “I know my own brothers.”
“Have you ever tried?” she repeats.
“Creator-Father tried everything!” I explode furiously. “Romulus cannot keep control over his parasite. He asked to be locked away down there.”
Hannah-consort just shakes her head. “Parasite. You keep calling him that. He seemed like a… like a twin. Maybe he has his own consciousness. Maybe if you treated him like an actual—”
“Parasite is a monster. It only seeks to destroy.”
She stamps her foot. “Just like you? Destroyer?” Her words stop me short, but only from frustration because I cannot explain better to her.
“You whip them,” she says. “I saw the bullwhip. And not like—” Her cheeks go red. “It has blood all over it. If you show them nothing other than violence and cruelty, of course they’ll show you nothing else back. And from everything you’ve told me about your father, he seems like a real asshole. But maybe if we tried gentleness and kindness, it might—”
“Enough!” I roar.
But she will not quit. “At least with Romulus. Let me talk to him. Let me at least try—”
“I said no, and that’s the end of it!”
Her mouth drops open, and her eyes narrow to such a squint I can barely see any of her pupils. And something happens to her voice when she next speaks. It is low, and dangerous.
“You might be able to order me around in the bedroom. I might even like it there. But you are sadly mistaken if you think this forever we’re starting now is going to go like this. You ordering me around like an asshole and me just going along like a good little girl. This is my fucking life, too.” She stomps right up to my face and sticks her tiny little forefinger in my face. As if I am not four times the size of her. “And I will not be made small! Ever again!”
And just like that, she will not speak to me.
A mere consort. Refusing me.
I growl.
She is fed now, so I easily lift her off the ground and set her up on the high counter and kick away the pots at my hooves.
When I spread her legs, she is at a perfect height for my cock to penetrate. Hmph. So at least this room is good for one thing. My wings flare out. I smile when they knock into more pots and pans. I’ve decided I like the idea of destroying what Creator-Father always wanted to treat so preciously.
She has managed to cover herself again. It is Creator-Father’s kitchen cloth this time.
I delight in piercing it with my claw and shredding it, top to bottom.
She looks like she wants to say something, to scream at me, but she does nothing but hold her mouth stubbornly shut as she grasps at the cloth.
I continue to slice it off her. “The only clothing you wear is what I provide.”
She rolls her eyes up to heaven. Is she saying inward prayers to her make-believe god when she does that? So much about her is fascinating. And ludicrous. Such as freeing my brothers from the dungeons.
All of it makes my cock hard. Especially when she crosses her arms over her bosoms and defies me.
Which makes no sense. Consorts ought to be obedient.
But Hannah-consort is no regular consort, I am coming to realize.
She goes out in snow, discovers secrets of my land not even I can find. She looks into my monster’s face and does not flinch. She sees my brothers and wants to help them, of all things, not run in fear for her life.
She has the fire in her eyes as she clutches the shreds of her cooking cloth.
My cock is larger and harder than it has ever been.
I will breed her and keep her forever.
I sniff the air. She has only a tiny bit of gush now. That will not do. And despite my cock’s pulsing girth, I must remember I am making a point.
She is slow to obey, but she must. She will.
I am a patient monster. At least I have always been up until now.
When I reach down between her legs, she turns her head stubbornly away from me, as if she is uninterested in what I am doing.
But her legs remain slack, and I easily work my finger between them, claw retracted.
She is not able to remain unmoved when I find her little bud and begin to work it. After a lifetime without knowing any female bodies, I pay attention now that I have one before me. And I have always been a quick learner.