Page 46 of Monster's Bride
Which I hunt as prey.
Certainly no filthy men.
Yet here my consort shows back up, trudging through the snow, in the clothes of one. Carrying the objects of one.
And she will not tell me a word of where she has been. Or who she has been with.
“Tell me who you were with!” I roar again.
To which she lowers her fists by her sides and comes up to me. “Stop screaming in my face,” she yells at me.
It’s loud and hurts my ears. I jerk back from her.
And then decide I’m done once and for all with her insolence.
“You broke your word,” I say. I don’t roar this time. No, my anger has suddenly gone cold instead of hot, and she will learn this is a different kind of danger.
I see her hesitate. Ah, she is smart enough to sense it.
Too late.
“You will soon learn to obey,” I hiss from between my teeth. “If I must teach you the same way I discipline my brothers, so be it.”
Her eyes cloud over. “What does that—” she starts.
“You’ll find out.” And then with one arm, I scoop her up around her middle, trapping her arms against herself.
She squeals and starts to wriggle in defiance. Always defiance with this one.
“You will learn your manners,” I say, “and you will learn to obey like a consort ought. You will beg to serve me.”
“Ha!” she says, fighting and kicking in my arms. “Never. No man will ever make me small again!”
I leap off the ground and fly across the great room with her, which elicits the predictable screeches from her, then continue dragging her up the stairs. It’s a tight fit, but I hold her against my body.
“Ouch!” I roar when she gets a good kick in against my wing.
I’m glad to reach the bed chamber and fling her onto the mattress. I’m only sorry I put fresh furs on it earlier. She deserves to lie in our fuck-mess for her misbehavior.
She bounces on the mattress, then rolls and comes around to face me, her face furious. “Don’t you ever manhandle me like that again!” she screams.
I just grab her and flip her so that she’s face down on the bed. Then I hold her down with my wings and knees while I tear off the rest of her clothing.
“I am no man,” I say. “I am monster.”
She screams furiously as I continue holding her down and use the scraps of her ill-gotten clothing to tie her to the posts of the bed.
So that her cherry little ass is out to me.
She fights all the way until I’ve tied her last free ankle.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she screeches, once I’ve got all four of her limbs tied to the four corners of the bed.
I move back from the bed and grin at her. With all my teeth, making sure she can see me.
“Obedience training, little consort.”
“You son of a bitch!” she howls. “If you come near me, I swear I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” I ask, teasing her maliciously as I pull out the implement I readied before I went in search of her. “Run away? I’ll just chase and catch you again.”
I make sure she gets a good look at it, too.
Her eyes widen in shock when she sees the smaller replica of the whip from the basement dungeon.
She grinds her teeth while watching me with so much hatred in her eyes that I laugh out loud. Oh this is going to be fun, isn’t it?
“Time to play, little bunny.” I crack the whip, and the noise of it echoes wickedly in the otherwise empty room.
She flinches.
I hold the leather of the whip to my nose and inhale. Ahhhhhhh. The scent of so many memories.
I approach and put a knee on the bed, ignoring her string of curses. She was such a docile thing when she first approached me at the cave.
I retract my claws and run a hand down her warm spine. Such soft flesh.
“I’m going to enjoy marking you.”
“Go to hell,” she spits. “I can’t believe I thought you were better than any other man.”
I chuckle at that. “Oh I’m much, much better than any man. Haven’t you learned that yet?”
I continue to trace my hand down from her ass to her tailbone, and then down to the lush, plump flesh of her ass cheeks. I give them a light tap with my hand, enjoying the slight jiggle.
What she doesn’t know but will soon learn is that this whip is not exactly like the one downstairs.
My dungeon whip has stinging nettles at the end, with big chunks of metal woven into the leather twine. It’s the only thing Thing can even feel anymore, his hide has grown so tough.
So no, with my little consort, I’ve planned a much sweeter torture.
I give her ass one more little smack with my palm, reach down between her legs to rub at the spot that makes her gush, and then I back up to the appropriate distance.