Page 17 of Taste of Love
In my opinion, I don’t think he’s taking care of himself. It shouldn’t be my problem, but I can’t help it with him. He’s different in a way that draws me to him. It also makes me want to be the one who takes care of him. He has so much on his plate, it seems. I forgot to feed him last night. Damn it.
I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling, knowing Jase would beg to differ. The man devoured me. He made sure I was well taken care of. I never got to return the favor. I don’t recall when, but I passed out at some point. I don’t think I’ve slept that well in a long time.
Going forward, I’m going to make sure he’s getting rest and eating. It’s my new mission. If I can do anything, it's to feed someone. With Jase, I’m going to have to make sure he’s eating when he should be. A warm sensation blooms in my chest at being the one to do this for him. This is so my mom coming out of me. That or the Italian. A mix of both, I suppose. It is ingrained in us to take care of people with food.
I slide my fingers across the short hair that has come in on Jase’s head. I can tell it would be thick if he let it grow out more. Even now, he has a dark beard trying to come in. Last night, it had been more of a five o'clock shadow. I remember because I enjoyed the feel of it brushing against the inside of my thighs.
Jase's face leans toward me as I stroke his head, a contented sigh coming from him in his sleep. I’m lying on my side with my body pressed into him. My thigh is thrown over his hip, our legs tangled together. He makes my bed feel tiny with him in it. Jase has a natural big build. I bet he stands out in the lab. Hell, I bet he stands out anywhere.
Part of me wants to let him sleep, but another wants to slip down his body and explore him the way he did me. I let my hand drift down his bare chest under the covers. I don’t stop until I reach his boxer briefs. How am I completely naked but he isn’t?
Jase’s body stiffens. I glance up as his eyes fly open. My hand freezes. “Someone is here.” His voice is gruff. That is not what I thought he was about to say. He rolls over me without leaning his weight on me. His feet hit the floor.
That’s when I hear it too: the sound of footsteps and male voices coming up the stairs to my little apartment. I recognize them immediately.
“Oh God.” I spring from the bed. Jase is about to head out of my bedroom to investigate, but I grab his arm to stop him. “It’s my brothers,” I whisper. I think my dad too. The sound of my front door opens. “Stay here.” I try to pull him away from my bedroom door.
“They walk right into your home without at least knocking?”
“Boundaries are not my family's strong suit.” He’d better get used to it if he’s going to be around. I grab a robe lying over the end of my bed. “You stay here.”
“Princess.” My dad's voice booms through the whole place.
“Coming.” I give Jase a pleading look. He steps back, but I can tell he doesn’t want to. He’s aggravated. That makes two of us. I was going to enjoy a bit more of Jase before I got up for the day.
I slip out of my bedroom, first making sure my robe is snug, only to almost run right into my father. My two brothers are right behind him. There is no escaping this.
“What are you doing here?”
“I got a call from Sergeant Maxwell early this morning.”
“Those little snitches,” I huff. I should have known my father would be getting a call.
“You got someone here?” Dad asks, trying to peer around me.
“That’s not really, ah, anyone’s business.” I stumble over my words. I’m not used to pushing back on my father. It’s something I’ve never done. I know he can be protective. It never bothered me before. But that was before I was sneaking people into my bedroom.
What am I thinking? This is my apartment, and it’s a man. I’m a grown-up. I don’t have to feel bad about having someone over. I bet Bianca does this all the time. No one is bursting into her condo. It’s most likely because she’d kill them all. All of their eyes go wide. Ha! I told them. It isn’t anyone's business. They must be shocked that I’m not letting them run me over. That’s what I think at least, until a deep voice sounds from behind me.