Page 12 of Taste of Love
She says she didn’t put drugs in the food, but I’m addicted to something about her, and I can’t get enough.
“So?” Gio asks, but I ignore him for the tenth time today. He’s trying to wear me down.
“She won’t tell me nothin’.” Enzo folds his arms over his chest. Both of them are now giving me the stare-down.
“I think he’s bad news.” Now the two of them talk as if I’m not right here cooking in front of them. I’ve dodged all their questions about how my time at Jase’s house went.
At first, I was annoyed that he’d managed to wiggle his way into getting me there to begin with. Unlike my brothers, I don’t think Jase is trying to get into my pants. I honestly wasn’t sure what his deal was. The man isn’t only handsome, but he’s crazy smart. It’s to a point that I think it makes him a bit socially awkward.
It hadn’t taken me long to put that together after spending an hour with him in his kitchen while I cooked. He never took his eyes off me. Now, I’m not so sure that he doesn’t want in my pants. I’m also not sure how I feel about that. Jase is unlike any man I’ve met before, and it’s refreshing. There’s something about him that I’m drawn to.
“Mr. Bad News landed our little sister being mentioned on Good Morning America.” I snap my head up at my sister’s words. I don’t know where she came from. Normally I can hear the click of her heels to alert me she’s near.
“What do you mean?” I squeak. I don’t want to be talked about anywhere. Sure, I want my food or the restaurant to get publicity but not me personally.
My sister pulls out her phone and shows us a small clip of them mentioning us as one of the new hot restaurants to check out. “Where did they get that picture?” I try to grab my sister's phone from her hand when a picture of me cooking in the kitchen pops up. Flour is smeared across my cheek, but I’m smiling. There’s a perfectly ripe tomato in my hand.
“I’m always taking pictures of you. They swiped it off Instagram, I’m sure.” True. She is always taking pictures and making videos for social media.
“Holy shit.” Enzo beams. Even Gio has a half smile.
“We’re booked up all night on a Tuesday.” My sister is smirking. “The doc’s assistant Calvin wasn’t kidding when he said he’d get our name out there if Lucia would only show up once a week to cook.”
“But that’s what she’s doing, right? Cooking?” Enzo goes back to being a hard-ass. I throw a raw meatball right at his head. “Hey!” He catches it before it meets its mark.
“Don’t call our sister a whore.” Gio smacks Enzo on the back of the head.
“Nothing wrong with whores.” Enzo tosses the meatball into the trash.
“There isn’t, but she isn’t one.” At least my brothers aren’t full cavemen. “She’s a virgin.” Scratch that. What the hell? “Aren’t you?” They all stare at me, waiting for an answer. One they are never going to get.
“I’m going back to ignoring all of you.” There is no way in hell I’m discussing the state of my virginity with my siblings. Especially my older brothers.
Everyone gets back to work, thankfully. As I work, my mind wanders to different meals I can make for Jase next week. It’s sweet that he wants to make sure his mom is being well fed. I can tell she is a soft spot for him.
If Jase is trying to get into my pants, there is no way faster than showing me how much you love your family. It can reveal so much of who a person is. You might be socially awkward in groups, but how you are at home is so telling.
Too bad I have to wait till next Monday to see him again. I hadn’t thought about that until I made it home. Now I can’t stop thinking about which of my meals he might be heating up tonight. Or if his mom enjoyed her dinner last night.
“Hey.” My sister snags my attention. “You okay?” I glance around to see we’re mostly alone. It’s so easy for the hours to pass when you’re busy in a kitchen.
“I’m fine. What’s up?”
“You tell me,” she tosses back at me.
“I’m fine. Why are you being weird?”
“I’m not, but I can tell when my baby sister has things on her mind. Dr. Ali was fine, right? I read up on him. I didn’t send you over there blind. He’s odd, but his recommendations and reputation are stellar.” Of course, Bianca did her homework on Jase. She can be as protective as my brothers, but she is more subtle about it.
“Jase is nice.”