Page 23 of Best Friend's Brothers
I exchanged a look with Darren. It was totally unlike our brother to get so angry and have any kind of violent impulse. Darren was more the revenge type, and I was more the embarrass-the-shit-out-of-them type.
“He kissed her. When they left the restaurant. And he’s got all kinds of feelings about it,” I added. “I told him it’s no big deal, she can kiss who she wants. That’s where you came in,” I finished.
Our oldest brother looked like he was going to say something. Then he shook his head and walked out of the kitchen with his water.
“Do you think he’s pissed about Julie?” Jeremy asked. “Maybe he’s interested in her too.”
“Look, I don’t know. I’m too tired to think about it,” I said heavily and went upstairs to get some sleep.
I had my cozy blanket. I had my Netflix, tuned to a new celeb documentary everyone at work was talking about. I couldn’t make myself pay attention though.
My life had spiraled out of control. Again. Everything was going fine. Then Eric got out of jail and came looking for me. And I kissed not one but two of Kendall’s brothers. What the hell was going on with me? Kendall was my best friend. I would never do anything to hurt her. And yet there I was, going behind her back and kissing first Rory and then Jeremy.
Then, as if I’d summoned her with my guilt, Kendall called me. Her picture came up on my screen as the phone vibrated. I could not tell her what I’d done. I had to act normal, whatever that meant.
“Hi!” I said brightly. “What’s up?” I faked my enthusiasm.
“Cut the shit. I know what’s going on.”
I felt panic slice through me. She sounded furious. What could I say to her, how could I explain?
Before I could stumble through an apology, she continued. “Rory told me that prick showed up at your job last week. Never mind that I had to hear about this after the fact and from my brother. I’m going to find that loser Eric and cut off his dick and feed it to him.”
I both sighed with relief that she didn’t know I’d made out with two-thirds of the Beckett boys and cringed at the image of high-fashion Kendall ripping off Eric’s dick while trying not to get any blood on what would, undoubtedly, be a very expensive skirt.
“Yeah, it sucked.”
“You have to come stay with me. That’s it. No more Miss Independent. Put your crap in a bag and get over here. I have all this room and it’s a secured building. Quit being stubborn. Move in with me,” Kendall insisted.
“Thanks, babe, but no. I really don’t think he’s going to show up at my apartment. He knew he could get away with going to the hospital because they can’t turn him away. Coming here would violate his parole. He’s not that stupid,” I said.
“Well, apparently Rory wants to beat his ass, and Jeremy is no longer satisfied with putting him in jail. He wants him tortured and buried in a field somewhere or something. I’m serious, Rory said Jeremy lost his shit and I have never, as an adult, seen Jeremy lose his shit. We’ve got your back, the four of us. Not that I need any help feeding that creep his own—”
“Really, Kendall, don’t say it again,” I grimaced. “I’ve got the deadbolt locked. I’ll keep my baseball bat with me. If I feel unsafe, I’ll come stay with you.”
“Promise,” I said, and hung up. I was about to unpause the show I’d been ignoring when there was a knock at my door.
Instantly my pulse fired up and fear washed over me. Maybe I was wrong thinking Eric wasn’t stupid enough to show up here. I looked down at my nightshirt, my bare feet, and I grabbed my Louisville Slugger. I gripped it too tight as I looked through the peephole.
Not Eric.
It was Darren.
I was relieved and confused as I opened the door to him.
Julie had a bat in her hand. I saw that right away when she opened the door. It made my blood boil. She was that fucking scared, that she carried a baseball bat around with her in her own home. This bastard had to go back to jail. That’s all there was to it.
“Have you had more trouble?” I asked, indicating the bat as I stepped inside.
“No. I’m just being cautious.” She set the bat aside, propped it against the love seat, “Come on in. I’d give you a tour, but there’s not much to see.” She laughed.
I looked around. “It’s nice.”
I was telling the truth. The studio was tiny, but it was well-appointed.
“Do you want something to drink?” she offered.
“No, I’m fine. I just came over to check on you, see that you’re okay after the crap Eric pulled at the hospital,” I said, laying my business out for her so she didn’t have to wonder why I’d come over.