Page 12 of The President's Passion
She gulps, gawking as if she can’t believe I used that word but I’m worked up. Bad thoughts already swim in the back of my head. Has she really been so programmed by that ridiculous social justice group of hers that she can’t see me as anything else but a tyrant?
I thought I’d already showed her I’m not the monster she made me up to be in her mind.
Wringing her hands she pleads, “I’m a gymnast for a living. How am I supposed to do backflips while looking and feeling like a hippopotamus?”
Inwardly, I smile. She won’t look like a hippo, but like the purest image of womanly fertility while pregnant with my child. I already have a feeling I’ll become obsessed once she starts showing, never leave her alone and neglect my duties just to be close to her and the growing life in her womb.
My eyes already shudder at the thought of a mini Went or Jackie taking their first steps in the Oval Office, while Jackie and I look on as proud parents and it fills me with a satisfaction I’ve never felt before. It’s the satisfaction of a man fulfilling his duty, continuing his bloodline with his dream woman at his side.
“Besides, this whole country hates me after what I’ve done. They won’t ever accept me,” Jackie continues as if I give a shite about others opinions.
“Then to hell with them,” I bellow and she twitches. I reach out and yank her to me. “If they dare say anything bad about you, I’ll have them lynched in broad daylight, those who mock or scorn you will be on their knees begging for your forgiveness.”
“That’s crazy talk!”
“I am crazy,” I growl between my teeth and her eyes flash. “Crazy about you!”
I kiss her in a frenzy, unable to hold back anymore and my hands greedily cup her flesh the way a winner cups his long-awaited prize. She seeps into me as if she’s made up of water, slipping through my cracks until I’m coated in her and she makes me feel gloriously liberated. I was a man of stone before she came along, bogged down by duties and burdens but she makes everything feel so easy.
The world fades when I’m with her, the stars silencing, the seven seas stilling and the sun sighing. In her I have found that treasured peace.
Eating her mouth, I stab my fingers through her silken hair, already fantasizing about all the ways she’ll serve me as we live our life together. I’m going to be given supreme fucking day in and day out, tender lovemaking and red-hot kisses. Lowering my hand, I yank her skirt and underwear down, probing her between her legs and she swells on my fingers, leaking with fresh arousal and I groan.
“You’re scorching my damn palm, you need this so bad,” I moan, “fuck, didn’t even know it had gotten to this...” To this soaring degree and her eyes turn hooded and she’s unable to speak, leaning back to enjoy this and there’s a slight tremble that moves through her body like a current. She pushes herself onto me, panting in surprise at what her body can make her feel and for a moment I go blind.
“Ohm...Went,” she moans, clenching her teeth and I do dirty things to her pussy in the tunnel. I make her rock on my fingers, dance to the music playing in her head and I make her spread for me as I go down on my haunches. She grinds my face between her thighs and I thrust my tongue into the tighter than tight slit until it fizzles in my mouth and stuns me. Rising, I grab my pulsating cock and plunge right into what feels like fire.
“Fuck!” I cry out in surprise and she whimpers that it burns. “I know,” I soothe, “we’ll ice the area later.” I grab her breasts and they seem jam-packed with lust, the nipples tight big peaks of sweetness.
I fill her up until shocked tears burst from her eyes. They fall softly down her face, virtuously and almost with a melancholy because she knows she won’t be going back to her old life after this. There’s only one place on this earth where she can be, without me losing my mind over her and that is right next to me.
She’ll be on my arm when we meet with kings and queens, with presidents and congressmen. She’ll be with me when I kiss babies and hold speeches. Without her this country will fall into pieces and I already fear what will be left of me if she ever leaves me.
Before she came into my life I was controlled and methodical. A man that could be trusted. Now, I have a feeling I’ll have no qualms about the destruction I’ll unleash, the obliteration...if I ever lose her.
Fuck, she just needs to stand by me and then everything will be fine.
“Give me a good couple of pussy squeezes, sweets,” I rasp and blink when she does just that with trembling lips, “fuck, now that’s a little too good.” She’s drawing me in deep enough to snap my neck but it’s madly satisfying and I already know where this is going. There will be no pulling out and I tell her that.
“But you said...?” Jackie pants as droplets of sweat glitter on her face.
“I know,” I snarl, “but I can’t. I tried but I just can’t fucking bring myself to do it...” I let out an outdrawn groan that echoes around the tunnel before I begin to piston my hips. Her own hips buck, her mouth falling open. Our hot skins press, our joined bodies tearing at each other for an ounce of relief
“Then make me take it, Went,” she pants in delirium before turning frenzied as I pick up the speed, “Make me take...make me...”
“You’re taking it,” I groan, rutting and making her mine before ejaculating in her. “You’ll take everything I give you...” I trail off, my sight blackening and I pant and inhale, sagging against her and she gasps in my ear.
“You got what you wanted after all, you always get what you want.” She inhales, tossing her head back and her eyes are hooded. “I couldn’t say no to you.”
“Never say no to me.” Clasping her chin, I add. “And you saved the whole country from ruin by not denying my need.”
She shivers as excitement pops in her eyes and there’s no denying that I like power, but I like her more and I quiver when I realize how willing I am to give her absolutely everything.
Sniggering, I fall back on to a chair. We’re back in my room and I grimace when I feel that pinching tenderness between my legs. “Is it always going to ache this much?” I ask as Went dips his hand in an ice bucket.