Page 7 of Teacher - Voyeur
“Great,” she said with a forced smile. “I’m just going to use the restroom.”
“Okay. We’ll be here.”
As soon as she walked away, Carina took her spot. “Thank you. I think she could use this.”
“It’s nice of you to look out for her after everything.”
Hanna had made it very apparent that she’d had a crush on Ian, Carina’s baby-daddy. After intense apologies and a girl’s night filled with wine and a deeper understanding, they formed a friendship.
“That was the past.” Carina waved it away like it was an annoying fly. “Every woman should be comfortable with their sexuality. She deserves this chance.”
“Did I miss anything?” Hanna asked, coming up behind me.
“Just a quick BJ on the dance floor. Nothing big,” Carina joked.
I expected shock and another blush. Instead, Hanna snorted a laugh and gave Carina a deadpanned stare.
Carina shrugged unapologetically and smile. “Hey, I’m doing dinner at the new house tomorrow night. Wanna come?”
I looked at Hanna to see her response. Not that it mattered. I had to start inventory at Voy, my other regular bar. It’d be a long night, and the earlier I got started, the better. A dinner party would set me back, and I didn’t have time for it.
“Sure,” she answered.
When Carina looked to me, my mouth opened, and words I hadn’t planned tumbled out. “I’ll be there.”
I should have put a pin in my top. Maybe I could run back home and change shirts. I almost turned when I stopped myself. I was already late—probably the last person to arrive since the driveway and street were full. Adjusting the wrap sweater to cover more of my chest one last time, I knocked on the door.
I’d just finished taking my forty-seventh deep breath of the night when Carina’s smiling face greeted me.
“Yay, you made it. I started to get worried,” she said, pulling me in for a hug. “Great top, by the way. Makes your cleavage look top-notch.”
Pulling back with a laugh, I muttered a quick thank you and tugged again, trying to cover said cleavage.
“Good choice since a couple of single guys came.” She bobbed her brows and turned, missing my eyes trying to bug out of my head.
How many guys? Did I know them? Would they talk to me? I should have stayed home.
Then I saw Daniel talking with Erik and Kent by the fireplace, his hand full with a drink. My anxiety over the possible men settled, just to start back up again. Only, this time, it was different. More fluttery.
God, he was cute.
Cute? Yeah right.
More like hot, sexy, alluring, dangerous in the best way, tempting. Any, and all, of those applied better than cute.
I hovered by the door, taking in the room, cataloging who was there.
Erik and Kent were with Daniel to the left.
Alex and Olivia were in the kitchen with Carina to the right.
Leaning against the couch off to the side were two guys I’d seen around the office. One of those guys was Sean, and my stomach went on a full rollercoaster when he turned to give me his dimpled smile. I awkwardly smiled back but looked away when I could feel the heat spreading across my cheeks.
Ian was the only man unaccounted for, but not for long. “Little Brandt.” He strolled out from a hallway, his hand held up as he approached.
I stepped back before he could reach me, my back hitting the door, my finger pointed like an angry school teacher. “Swear to God, Ian, if you give me a noogie, I will punch you.”
“I’ll allow it,” Carina called from the kitchen.
And with that, everyone became aware of my arrival. He pulled me in for a quick hug and muttered, “Party poopers.”
I made my way over to Erik first, who stepped back from Daniel and Kent to give me a hug. “You coming to brunch tomorrow?”
“Probably not. I have to go finalize the flowers for the event, and tomorrow was the only time that worked.”
“Mom won’t be happy.”
“I’ll meet her for lunch to make up for it.”
He leaned a little closer. “How are you doing with all the planning?”
I loved Erik, and I understood his protectiveness. I tried to understand his helicopter brothering, but man, it was hard when all I wanted was to get through a day without being reminded of my past. “I’m fine, Erik.”
“When was the last time you talked to Dr. Lane?” he asked, completely missing my exasperation. “I know this time of year can be hard, and I want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.”
Casting a glance to Kent and Daniel, I immediately looked away when I caught Daniel’s eye, shifting my back to them and growled to Erik, “Can you keep your voice down, please? I hardly think this is the place to ask me about freaking therapy, Erik. It’s not like I’m going to crumble at the drop of a hat.”