Page 26 of Loving the Man of the House
“I want to tell the world,” I rasp against her lips. “I want everyone to know how much I adore you, and that includes your mother, your friends, our neighbors, and the entire Concordia student body if it comes to that. I love you, Mari Cook. You’re mine now, and it’s time for everyone to know.”
The beautiful brunette melts against me then as our lips join in passion because this is the way things were meant to be. Yes, she started off as my stepdaughter. Yes, I seduced her (or we seduced each other) during a road trip on the way to college. But all’s well that ends well, and even though we don’t have everything figured out just yet, I know that we’ll find a way, just as we’ve already found a way around our most recent challenges.
“It’s so crazy that you dropped out of school,” Ali muses as she plays checkers with Harmon. The little boy doesn’t quite know what he’s doing, so actually, they’re just randomly jumping black and red pieces over one another. But I’m happy, and sigh with contentment, looking around the living room. After all, I’m taking a leave of absence from Concordia, and have moved back in with Harris. It’s wonderful. My man and I share the master bedroom now, and our days and nights are filled with love. Harmon comes to spend weekends with us, and it’s great actually. I see it as a preview of motherhood, and adore the little boy.
Meanwhile, I smile at my friend.
“I know it’s crazy, but it’s okay,” I say. “Besides, I just enrolled at Oakdale Community College with you! Isn’t that great? We’ll be able to see each other next semester!”
Ali merely shakes her brown curls with amazement.
“But still, Mari. I mean, your stepdad? I’m all for it, don’t get me wrong, but how did your mom take it?”
That makes me pause for a moment.
“Not well,” I state.
Ali lets out a very unladylike snort.
“I’ll say. Anyone would freak out if they found out their daughter was dating their ex.”
I shoot her a wry look.
“Well, the good part is that Harris and Jeanette really are exes now. The divorce was finalized, the papers signed, and the door’s shut on that one.”
Ali nods.
“Finally,” she agrees. “That took forever. But what does Jeanette think about Harmon?”
I pause for a moment.
“To be honest, my mom is pretty much okay with Harmon. I don’t think she thought Harris was celibate all these years, and I suppose you always realize that your ex will move on, sooner or later. Of course, she didn’t expect him to conceive a secret baby with the housekeeper, but it is what it is.”
“You didn’t expect that either,” Ali says in a low voice while skipping a piece over Harmon’s black one. The little boy lets out a wail, and she obligingly returns the piece back to the board just to make him happy. He lets out a sniffle and beams.
“Thanks,” he lisps. “Love you, Aunty Ali.”
“No prob, kid,” my friend smiles at the cute boy. But then she looks up, her eyes excited. “By the way, did I ever tell you about that prince?”
I frown, shaking my head.
“No, why?”
Ali practically lets out a squeal of excitement.
“Okay, put earmuffs over your ears,” she directs Harmon. Once the little boy giggles and obeys, she leans forward with a gleam in her eyes. “Remember I told you about that club in Chicago?”
I scrunch my nose at her.
“No, which club?”
“It’s this crazy club called Club Z,” she whispers with excitement. “Super dirty and sexy, and evidently, there’s a prince who goes there. He’s a member, and supposedly, he chains up young women and then instructs his servants to defile them as ‘training.’”
I stare at my buddy.