Page 17 of Loving the Man of the House
“I’m so sorry, Mari,” he pants. “I didn’t mean to. It’s never happened to me before—”
I place one small hand on his lips, shushing him.
“No, it’s okay,” I say. “I know you didn’t mean to, and it was only once. I’m sure I won’t get pregnant.”
He nods gratefully, still dripping with sweat, before pressing a kiss to my lips.
“You were amazing, honey,” he rasps. “More than amazing. Incandescent.”
“Really?” I giggle playfully. “Why, you’re quite the poet, Daddy. I had no idea.”
He merely grins while pulling out, our bodies slickly sliding against one another. Harris is about to say something, but then he stops, his eyes focused on the space between my legs and I know what he’s seeing. My pussy’s been filled to the brim and as I crane my head for a glance, sure enough, there it is: his slick cream pie oozes out from my ravaged hole, the semen forming a trail down my bottom as it overflows from my sweetest spot.
Even more, a naughty idea strikes and with a giggle, I reach down to tap at the creamy stream before lifting my finger to my lips for a taste.
“You taste wonderful, Daddy,” I say in a throaty tone while staring into his eyes. “But this isn’t enough for me. I need a solid mouthful of the good stuff. Do you have more in there?”
The words inflame the huge man, and it’s all over as Harris rears over me again, his bronzed body hard and ready. After all, I just poked the bear … and now the CEO’s going to make me pay.
“Oh,” Mari moans beneath me, tilting her head back. “Yes, deeper, Daddy.”
“I’ll give you deeper,” I growl into her ear. “I’ll give you something to remember me by.”
After all, my connection with the brat is electric. So electric in fact, that Mari and I are actually making love in her dorm room, uncaring of who hears us through the thin walls.
It didn’t start out this way. We arrived at Concordia College bright and early in the morning, right in time for a scheduled orientation. Mari traipsed off with a wave with some other girls, and I retreated to her single to start unpacking things. But then, there was a knock on the door after fifteen minutes, and my beautiful girl slipped in.
“What are you doing?” I asked, my expression confused as I cut open one of the boxes. “I thought your RA was doing an introduction to the dorm, the library, and the student center.”
Mari nodded, her eyes mischievous.
“They are, but I don’t need to know that stuff. I can figure it out without a speech. What Idoneed, is you, Harris.”
Then, the pretty brunette flung herself into my arms and now, she’s on her hands and knees on the narrow twin bed as I ease my cock into that tight pussy. Mari lets out a breathy cry, her big breasts dangling to the mattress below as I stare with wonder at the sight before me. The brat’s got a slim back with a narrow waist that spreads into wide hips and a big, heart-shaped bottom. Even better, I’m currently fucking her slick pussy, watching with avid eyes as the pink of her vagina hugs my dick tight as it slides in and out.
“Fuck, I hope your classmates don’t overhear,” I manage to pant while gripping her swaying hips.
“They won’t,” she gasps back, burying her face in the mattress. “They’re all at the orientation, remember? We’re alone right now.”
Good. I chuckle deep in my chest because without an audience, we can be as loud as we like, and I plan on making the sweet girl scream.
“Excellent,” I rasp. “Because I’m going to give you a little taste of something new, honey. Are you ready for it?”
Mari manages to lift her head to look back over one shoulder at me. She’s never appeared more beautiful with her curls askew, those cheeks flushed and sweaty.
“Yes, I’m ready. Why, what is it, Daddy?”
With an evil grin, I hock before letting the saliva drop from my mouth to her bottom in a long, goopy string. The warm spit slides into her ass crack, and gently, I massage the liquid into her back hole.
“What are you doing?” Mari squeals her eyes going wide. “Oh my god!”
But I nod my head.
“Again, all of you belongs to me, sweetheart, so I’m going to touch and kiss you anywhere I want.”