Page 80 of Pride Not Prejudice
Setting me on my feet, he lifted off my tight black shirt and smoothed his palms over my chest. I quickly unzipped and stepped out of my skirt. Then Nic removed his own clothing as I sat to take off my boots. Muscles rolled and popped beneath his tattooed skin, distracting me, and I salivated at the sight of his dick, already hard, when he stripped out of his trousers.
“Get on the bed,” he ordered, tilting his head toward the mattress. “Right fucking now.”
Chapter Five
I spread out on the bed and fisted my erection, slowly stroking as Nic finished removing his clothes and shoes. As I looked at him, various questions about his life—the tattoos, his nightmares—popped up in my head, but I forced them away. I had no right to ask those sorts of things, not when I would be gone from his life in a few days.
Putting a knee on the mattress, he dragged his palm down my chest and stomach, then clasped his hand over mine where I was jacking myself. “You are gorgeous,” he whispered. “I want so many things, I cannot decide where to start.”
“A kiss would be nice.”
The edge of his mouth curled deviously. Instead of giving me a kiss, though, he settled between my legs. “A blow job would be better, yes?”
I sucked in a surprised breath. Since we met, I was the only one who had put a dick in his mouth. I’d assumed Nic didn’t like giving blow jobs, and he always made sure I came so it was never an issue.
But now I desperately needed it from him.
Stroking his hair, I said, “I would love it, if you feel comfortable giving one.”
“I . . .” He licked his lips and let his gaze trail down my naked body. His accent was thick as he murmured, “I have not done this in a long time. But I want to. With you.”
Oh, dio mio. This man. He was killing me.
Chest tight with emotion, I stretched my arms over my head. “I’m yours, mon grand.”
A wicked smile broke out on his face before he lowered his head and swiped his tongue across my sac. All the blood in my body rushed south. Then he moved to bathe my shaft with long slow licks, like I was covered in sugar. It was clear he planned to draw this out and I wasn’t complaining.
Waves of warmth rolled through me and I closed my eyes, more than happy to let him have his way with me. He swirled the tip of his tongue around the head of my cock. “Keep going.” I sank my fingers into his thick hair. “That feels so good.”
He sucked me into his hot mouth. My thigh muscles clenched at the rush of pleasure. “Fuck, baby.”
He took me deep as his hand kneaded my balls. Then his free hand came up to my chest, where he pinched my nipple. My back bowed in an overload of sensation. “Minchia!”
Pulling off with a pop, he looked up at me from under hooded lashes. “Say you’ll meet me again. In December.” He flicked his tongue across the sensitive head and I shivered.
Warm air coasted over my flesh as he breathed on me, teasing me. “Agree to it, solnyshko. Then I will finish you off.”
“Maybe you should fuck me instead.”
Another lick. “You are being difficult. I know you enjoy what we have together.”
I did, but more time with him would only make it impossible to leave later on. “I need to return to my life, my career.”
Dipping his head, he sucked me again, the tight suction like heaven. My crown bumped against the back of his throat. Fuck, it felt so good.
He kept going, bobbing up and down, faster and faster. I gritted my teeth as I watched my dick disappear into his mouth over and over, and soon the urge to come surged through my groin.
I wasn’t ready for this to end.
Panting, I grabbed his hair. “Stop, mon grand. I will come if you keep going.”
He let me go with a pop. “Get on your stomach.”
Eagerly, I rolled over. He grabbed a pillow and slid it under my hips, angling my ass up. “So beautiful,” he whispered into the skin of my lower back and began kissing downward. “You will agree to more time, I promise you.”
I hid my face in my arms, both pleased and horrified by his persistence over seeing me again. “Where would we go?” Cazzo, my mouth. Why would I ask such a stupid question?