Page 74 of Pride Not Prejudice
“Lyubimyj,” I breathed. Sweetheart. I pulled him close, not caring that his come was smearing between us as I kissed him.
When we parted, both of us were breathing like we’d run a race. He rested his forehead against my chin. “It makes me lose my mind when you speak Russian, mon grand.”
A smile broke out on my face. No doubt I looked like a complete idiot. “You are everything to me,” I said in my native tongue.
“Stop.” He nipped my jaw with his teeth. “We have things to do, and I’m tempted enough as it is to drag you below.”
“Things to do?” I dragged my hand down his back to cup his ass. “What could be more important than fucking?”
He laughed, a light happy sound of pure joy that sank into my bones. “I thought you needed to return to work.”
I did. Ilya was probably losing his mind. I was already behind enough in our operations because of Theo’s presence on the ship. I couldn’t make it worse. I sighed, turned on the warm water, and reached for a cloth on the counter. “Yes, I do.”
In seconds the water was warm enough, so I wet a cloth and then began cleaning him off. I took my time, smoothing the soft fabric over his chest and belly, then moved lower. His pubic hair was neatly trimmed, his cock now mostly flaccid and the foreskin back in place. I thought about all the dirty things I’d like to do to him today, and my own dick twitched. “Even after that blow job, I want you again,” I admitted.
Smiling, he kissed my lips briefly, then stepped back to readjust his suit. Once he was covered, I cleaned myself off and pulled up my trousers.
He pushed my hands out of the way and started redressing me. “My friend needs us to meet him in Nice. You’ll have your captain point us in that direction, won’t you? For me, mon grand?”
How could I ever say no to him? Even when my gut told me I was making a huge mistake, I nodded. “Yes, solnyshko. For you, I will do this.”
Chapter Three
“This is a fucking mistake,” Ilya murmured behind me as we watched the speedboat approach the yacht.
“So you keep saying.”
“Yet you do not listen.”
Ilya was like a brother to me. We grew up in the Bratva together, our fathers the closest of friends. We ran a syndicate in Munich now, with Ilya serving as my second-in-command, and I trusted him with my life. He was one of three men under my command who knew my secret. “I trust Theo.”
“You don’t even know this guest’s name.”
It was true. The man joining us was a friend of Theo’s, but this was all I knew. “I am told he is discreet. Gay. Trustworthy.”
“Nikolai,” Ilya said, his voice exasperated. “You are blinded by sex. It is too big a risk.”
“Calm down. We will search his bag when he arrives and there is a camera in his stateroom. I will not allow him to learn my true name. It will be fine.”
The speedboat grew closer . . . and there were two strangers aboard it.
“The fuck?” Ilya hissed. “You said it was one man.”
“That was what I was told.” Theo said it was a friend from Nice. I assumed it was another designer or one of Theo’s employees going through a bad breakup. Shit.
Ilya’s hands tightened on the rail, the knuckles turning white. “Tell him no. Turn them away.”
I wouldn’t do that, and we both knew it.
Besides, the boat was upon us. In moments they would be onboard. “Let’s go down,” I told Ilya.
My friend cursed but followed me as we went below. A fully dressed Theo was in the salon, scrolling on his phone like he hadn’t a care in the world.
Before I could say anything, two tall men strode into the room. Both were handsome, with Mediterranean coloring like Theo, but one was clearly a male model or an actor. He was stunning. Was the other man his bodyguard? He carried himself with the bearing of someone with training.
“The bigger one,” Ilya said in Russian behind me. “Military.”