Page 567 of Pride Not Prejudice
I marched over to the wall of navels to grab the shift I’d slipped out of when I turned into a wolf. Then, stuffing it under my arm, I stomped toward the door. I wished I had some fine scalding rejoinder to level upon them, but I also knew the effect would be somewhat compromised by my arse flapping in the breeze.
Sal raced to open the door for me and slammed it with a satisfying jerk after I stomped through it.
“How very dare she?” Slipping out of the jacket, I grabbed my shift and clutched it to my chest.
“Can you believe that woman?”
“There I was, showing her mercy, only asking for my freedom and a simple belly button—"
“And she gets so pissed when I beat her at her own game that she decides to retaliate against my big, dumb, lovesick brother.”
I heard the creak of wood behind me. Sal cleared her throat and looked over my shoulder.
Not just a horse but an entire carriage was parked at the ready, the driver’s ears fairly glowing crimson in the moonlight.
“Oh,” I said. “Sorry.” I moved to put the shift over my head, but Sal stayed my hand. A secretive smile played on her lips as she walked to the carriage and opened the door.
“I took the liberty of retrieving your steamer trunk from the inn,” she said. “I also had your gowns laundered.”
Drifting forward, I opened the lid and was delighted to discover all of my dresses, several pairs of leather trews that Sal wore, and several sets of the same kind of undergarments I had stolen from her.
“Are we going to be one of those couples?” I asked, not realizing how presumptuous the question was until it had exited my mouth.
“What kind of couples?” she asked.
“The kind that dresses alike,” I asked, holding a leather vest.
Sal made a rumbling noise low in her throat. “Better save that for when we get to our next stop.” She leaned in close enough for her breath to tickle my ear. “I’m not sure the carriage can withstand what I want to do to you right now.”
Liquid heat pooled low in my belly.
I selected a simple traveling gown and a loud sound to help let me put it on.
Just as before, Sal maneuvered the fabric with practiced ease. Punching her forearms beneath the skirt to hold open the bodice and shimmying it down my torso.
“Were you a ladies’ maid in your last life?” I asked.
“I’ve been many things,” she said.
Without my even asking, she laced up the stays of my corset and tugged them firmly but not tightly closed. The lack of pressure felt strangely unsettling.
“You can pull tighter,” I said.
“But then it will be harder to get off you,” Sal said, knotting the laces at my waist before she released me.
“Where to miss—es? The driver asked, his cheeks reddening to match his ears.
“We’re bound for Liverpool,” Sal said, offering her hand to help me into the carriage. “We have a ship to catch.”
Her eyes met mine, and warmth suffused my being as I took her hand and stepped into the lushly appointed interior. Sal did the honors of lighting several tapers within the compartment, bathing us in a romantic amber glow.
The driver snapped the reins, and the horses began to move.
I waited to speak until we’d turned and were headed in the correct direction.