Page 500 of Pride Not Prejudice
I winced a little. “Was it about having dinner with you tonight?” I was being very cautious. I mean, he’d gone to a lot of trouble if he wasn’t into me.
“A little more than that,” he replied, taking my hand in his.
The tingle that shot through my body at his touch was intense.
I giggled. “Define more.”
“I can do that,” he said, putting his hand on my back, leading me through the crowd of oglers and over to the table he’d decorated for me.
He seated me then sat down across from me. Putting his elbows on the table, he rested his chin in his hands and grinned at me.
I returned the favor. This was way better than Runaway Bride.
“I’d like a second chance… with you,” he finally said. “When I met you, my life went from being beige to full of riotous color. Your smile makes my heart beat faster. Your talent humbles me. I felt like a better man with you, Johnson Jones. I like that man. I’d like to find him again. And I know my intensity might scare you. I’ll do my best to tamp that back. I promise.”
Luigi walked over and put a silver bucket filled with icy peach wine coolers on the table then slipped away. I grabbed one and handed one to Kurt.
“You will promise no such thing,” I told him. “I love everything about you. All of you. I was stupid and insecure. I promise I won’t ever ghost you again. I say yes to the second chance. Nothing would make me happier.”
“Damn straight,” Dwayne yelled.
I rolled my eyes. Kurt looked confused.
“That’s one of my best friends,” I said, shooting Dwayne a death glare.
He just laughed and waved at Kurt. Kurt laughed and waved back.
“Seems like a good guy,” he commented. “Is that Zorro with him?”
“My other bestie,” I admitted. “And no, I didn’t ask them to be here tonight. They just showed up, along with my business partner Helen, my Uber driver Dracula Smith and his fiancée Countess Plasma.”
I pointed behind him. He turned and looked. They were waving like fools. Helen took a few pics.
“Oh my God,” Kurt gasped out. “Mom? Kiefer?”
“Hi Snookie-bottom!” Cha-Cha squealed. “I wouldn’t have missed tonight for all the riches in the Universe. So beautiful. My momma heart is bursting with joy!”
“Kiefer, what the hell?” Kurt asked, shaking his head.
“Sorry, man,” he said with a grin that proved he wasn’t sorry at all. “She bribed it out of me.”
“We certainly have an attentive audience,” Kurt said, taking both my hands in his. “Sorry about that.”
“Not to worry.” I squeezed his hands and winked. “My side outnumbers your side by quite a few. I say we ignore them.”
“Agreed,” he replied. “I have a request.”
I raised a brow and waited. My hope was that he wasn’t going to suggest a horseback ride. My thong didn’t cover my butt cheeks and the thought of horse hair in my crack wasn’t appealing.
“I want us to date.”
I nodded and smiled.
The uninvited audience cheered.
“I don’t want to scare you, but my intention is very long term,” he said.
“Doesn’t scare me a bit,” I replied, realizing it was one hundred percent true.