Page 47 of Pride Not Prejudice
I cover her hands with mine. "Thank you, Haina. I promise I'll say something if it gets to be too much."
She leans in, smiling that lovely, warm smile of hers, and kisses me again. I try to arch my back so my breasts can brush against hers, but our heights are too dissimilar. She senses what I need, though, and Haina makes a soft sound of pleasure as she kisses me, and moves one hand to cup my heavy breast.
I bite my lip, choking back a whimper as she strokes my nipple. After a few weeks of gentle touching, she knows just what I like on my breasts, and how to make me crazy with need. Luckily I know how to do the same for her, too. I reach around to her back and grip the base of her tail, loving the hiss that she makes.
"Let's go to bed," I tell her softly.
She shudders, and there's a glazed look in her eyes that I love so much, as if she's completely lost in this moment. I want to keep that look on her face. I want to make her feel out of control and as addicted to me as I am to her. With my hand on her tail, I gently tug her toward the bedroom.
We make it a few steps between kisses, only to pause and taste each other once more. Her hands knead my breasts with gentle touches, toying with the tips, and I free the auto-fastener on her belt, making her uniform sag even more. By the time we make it to my bed, my lips feel swollen with kisses, Haina is panting, and her uniform falls to her boots, pooling around her ankles.
I'm feeling bolder by the minute, because I'm able to make Haina turned on like this. I put a hand to her shoulder and give her a nudge. "Sit on the bed."
"Who knew you had this bossy side, Ali?" she says, breathless. "You're cute when you're demanding."
I want to fire back with something sassy and playful. You're cute, too. Or you like me bossy. Or I'll show you demanding. But they all feel wrong in my mouth, because at heart, I'm an awkward person. I'm no conversationalist. I'm good at being silent and getting lost in the shadows. Except I can't when I'm around Haina, because she's the only person in the universe that sees me.
And for some reason, I want to reward that. So maybe I'm a bit bossy with her. "Give me your boots."
She lifts one foot and I rest it on my belly, just below my breasts, and undo the auto-fasteners there. I repeat the motion for the other side, and then I pull the last of her uniform off. Now that she's naked in front of me, I get to feast on the sight of her, all velvety blue skin that feels like joy to touch, her long, graceful legs and serpent-like tail. She's bare between her thighs, like all of her people, and when I push them apart, I can see the gleam of wetness through her folds. I stroke a finger through her pussy, learning her body…and I can't find her clit.
That makes me pause. I know aliens have some physiological differences with their genitalia. Moden have stubby cocks that elongate from a pouch inside their bodies, and praxiians are born with barbs on their dicks. Male mesakkah have a spur and ridges on their cocks, but no one's ever told me that a female mesakkah won't have the same equipment I do. I'm momentarily at a loss. "No clitoris?" I ask, kneeling between her legs to make sure I didn't miss it. I run a finger through her wet cleft again. "Humans have a bundle of nerves right here that makes it easy to get off."
Haina shakes her head. "We have a pleasure spot, but it's deeper inside the body." Her hand goes to my hair, stroking it as I press more kisses between her thighs. "Some lovers prefer an artificial cock, but I didn't bring one with me…"
I kiss her again, this time atop her pretty bare mound. "Can I touch you? Inside? To try and find it?"
She laughs, the sound like sunlight. "As if I'd tell you no? I've been dreaming about your touch for days now, Ali."
Her response sends a thrill up my spine, and I gently scrape my teeth over her soft suede skin, then dip my tongue through the cleft of her pussy, licking her anyhow. She tastes sweetly musky, and I nip at her skin as she tangles a hand in my hair, her eyes closed with pleasure. Her long legs are sprawled apart on each side of me, and she's so beautiful I could cry. I want to make this amazing for her.
"I like your taste," I tell her shyly. "And the way that you feel against my lips."
Haina lets out a breathy whimper, falling back on my bed.
Her reaction is encouraging, and I stroke my finger through her folds, seeking the entrance to her body. She's slick and heated here, and I dip a careful finger inside her. Her legs twitch, and her tail slides over to my arm, stroking against me like a cat begging to be petted.
I nip at the top of her pussy again, using my lips to “bite” and tease as I stroke my finger carefully in and out of her, observing her reactions. I add a second finger to the first to increase the pressure, and then scissor them inside her, seeking that perfect spot. I know the human G-spot is directly below the clitoris but inside the body. Maybe Haina's is in the same sort of area. I drag my fingertip lightly against the inside of her channel, but I don't get an excited response until I brush against something that feels a bit like a knot just out of reach.
Her shuddering gasp is everything, though.
Her hand clenches in my hair, her tail flicking with agitation.
"I'm here," I whisper against her skin. "I have you." And I stretch my fingers, brushing against that spot once more. My hands are small and it's tricky to touch it, but I want to give her the best orgasm I can. I push deeper, twisting a little each time I brush against it, until I've got practically my entire hand inside her warm, welcoming body. She's so slick that her pussy is making these incredibly wet sounds every time my hand moves inside her. I don't stop, though. I want her to come for me. So I whisper encouragements as I stroke her pleasure spot, my hand cradled by her tight channel, and when she comes, she comes hard, and I feel every bit of it. I feel her quivering as her climax arrives, I feel the clenching of her pussy around my fingers, I feel it all.
And I love it, so very much.
As she comes down, I press more kisses on the insides of her thighs and on her folds, easing my hand out of her body. I'm drenched in her juices, and I lick them off of my fingers, feeling self-satisfied and absolutely flagrant in my pride at making her come so hard.
"You," Haina breathes, her hand resting between her breasts as she comes down from her climax. "Are. Amazing."
I chuckle at that, because I'm just an average human with a gorgeous alien girlfriend. Who wouldn't want to make her come and see the look of sheer bliss on her face as she falls apart? I kiss my way up her belly and then lie down on the bed next to her, almost as breathless as she is. I can't stop kissing her, though. I press my lips to her skin in light caresses, kissing her shoulder, her breast, everywhere. I just love touching her. Breathing in her scent. Being with her.
"Mmm." Haina rolls onto her side, facing me. She props up on one arm. "Here I had all these grand visions of us coming at the same time, face to face. And then the moment you touch me, I fling my legs apart and let you take control."
I bite back a giggle at that mental image. "Does that make me greedy?"
"No, it makes you incredible." She leans in and kisses me, cupping the back of my head. I moan against her mouth, my body singing with my own arousal as she rolls me back onto the bed. "But now it's your turn, Ali."