Page 463 of Pride Not Prejudice
“I guess so.”
“How the hell do you make someone look sensitive and emotional?”
I consider my next works. “By making him cry.”
Ari’s eyes are wide as saucers. “Make him cry? Why did he need you to do that—you were at a funeral for pities sake.”
“He, uh, wasn’t all that close to his grandfather? But wanted to make it look like he was.”
So complicated and so weird, if not a tad unethical.
“So. How’d you do it?”
I tilt my head in her direction. “Are you sure you really want to know?”
She nods enthusiastically. “Hell yes.”
“Vapor rub.”
“Vapor rub.” She repeats. “Where?”
“Under his nose. He also accidentally rubbed it in his eyes, which practically blinded him.”
Not really but it sounds dramatic, and has Ari cackling.
“Oh my god, stop it.” Her laugh is loud, head thrown back.
I watch the curve of her smooth neck and swallow, forcing my eyes up to her face so I’m not staring at her cleavage.
When she’s done giggling she asks, “How much did he pay you?”
I finish the last of my wine. “Not nearly enough.”
Ari pushes her glass toward where the bartender is standing until it touches mine.
“What a douche.”
I shake my head. “Agree.”
“See, Miriam.” She gives me a nudge on the thigh with the tap of her finger. “This is why I hate online dating. No one is ever who they appear to be. You can pay someone these days to help you lie to a woman.” She pokes me again. “You’re the perfect example. Decker posted photos of himself as a successful, young attorney—but it turns out, he’s actually an attractive, funny young woman.”
Chapter Seven
I was not expecting to be attracted to Miriam.
I came here tonight to meet a man, not a woman, except I’m enjoying our time together and do not miss the fact that I’m missing out on a first date.
This feels like one.
Is that weird?
“…but it turns out, he’s actually an attractive, funny young woman.”
I’m not flirting with her, I’m not.