Page 440 of Pride Not Prejudice
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Potential New Girlfriend
The black luxury vehicle slowly pulls under the covered portico, coming to a full stop in front of the stately cement steps, it’s driver climbing out and coming around to the back passenger side.
Opens the door and steps aside as one glossy high heel hits the pavement, followed by the other.
They’re hot pink heels—not exactly appropriate for the occasion, if I’m judging—shining in the warm, southern sun, attached to a pair of long legs that go on for miles.
I watch behind the veil of a sheer curtain and out of view as the young woman steps all the way out.
I can’t see her face; it’s hidden beneath a wide brim hat, one with a pink ribbon that matches her shoes, but at least she’s wearing gloves and a relatively modest dress.
Her hands clutch a designer matching handbag for dear life as her feet propel her forward, car pulling away slowly away.
Click click click.