Page 420 of Pride Not Prejudice
“That’s enough.” Robert fisted his hands. “You dare even utter such filth? The idea that I would even consider something that egregious shows how truly lost you are.”
His aunt tilted her chin in bravado. “I know about you two and Hawksworth.”
“That had better not be a threat, Aunt Eleanor,” Robert lowered his voice, but the menace was clear. “Else it’ll become common knowledge that I cut you off financially, and you were spreading nasty rumors to try and wound me. Everyone will believe it because they’ll all know that you were the one who started the rumor of the affair.”
“I guess your influence is waning,” Elizabeth said in a false tone of sympathy.
“Come, darling.” Robert came to Elizabeth’s side and held out his arm. “I already told Anthony to have our bags packed by the time we come home.”
Without a word of goodbye, he escorted his wife out of the room. When they passed by the formal salon, he pulled Elizabeth to a stop. “Remind me to have these tradespeople stop their work. I’ll pay for their time and materials they’ve invested in the project so far.” He looked down at Elizabeth. “Do you have any interest in some renovations at Overton House?”
“Always,” she said with a broad smile.
As soon as they were outside, Elizabeth glanced toward the sitting room they had just left. “She’s not there.”
“She’s probably getting dressed to visit Trimble to see what she can salvage of her rumor selling partnership.” He shook his head.
Elizabeth tucked herself closer to his side, and they proceeded to the carriage. “I’m glad you handled her threat the way you did.”
“She can’t cajole or coerce us to do her bidding anymore.” Robert opened the carriage door and assisted Elizabeth inside. As soon as he was seated, he knocked on the roof, setting the carriage in motion.
“Do you know what I want more than anything in this world?” Elizabeth asked.
“Whatever it is, you shall have it,” he said with a smile.
“Good.” She laid her hand on her heart. “Let’s leave now so we can tell Ash everything.”
“You and I think alike.” Robert reached across the carriage and pulled Elizabeth onto his lap.
“Robert,” Elizabeth squealed. “What are you doing?”
“Giving my wife some well-deserved attention.” He pressed his lips against hers, then lowered his voice. “When we find Ash, we’ll make it clear that we’re not letting go of him. Ever.”
Chapter Eleven
Ash slowed Hermes to a stop when he came to the hill that overlooked the Marquess of Overton’s plentiful pastures. Sitting astride the bay gelding, he inhaled deeply. Everything was green and the air smelled like heaven. A mile or so away to the west lay the sleepy village of Wickford.
Riding his brother’s estate had kept Ash’s mind somewhat occupied. It was hard to conceive that it had only been a day since Ash had left London. It felt like two years. Sleep was non-existent last night. He’d tossed and turned, wondering how Robbie and Lizzie were doing. Wondering if they missed him as much as he missed them.
He sounded like a love-sick swain. But knowing his lovers, they had to be lonely too. Things were never right unless the three of them were together.
His lips curled, a bittersweet attempt at a smile. At least, his sudden departure was not in vain. His lovers would be free from the rumors and rubbish that had been published about them. There had been no other option but to leave quickly. But his heart ached that he didn’t tell them how much he loved them and why he chose this path to leave them.
He patted Hermes and was about to return to his brother’s estate when he saw smoke rising from the chimney coming from the Overton Dowager House. It was where he was staying in spite of what that witch Eleanor had demanded. But oddly, he hadn’t started a fire. Of course, the staff cleaned their weekly, but they’d been there yesterday when he’d arrived. Curious and somewhat alarmed, Ash urged Hermes to take off down the hill. The horse needed no encouragement as it quickly galloped toward the house.
As the wind blew Ash’s hair, he was struck by how much this ride reminded him of when the three of them had met here to say their vows to one another and promise to live together forever. Though they may not be physically together, their hearts were bound together.
Once he reached the stables, Ash looked for a carriage or other horses. There were none. After securing Hermes in the stall, Ash went to the front of the country house and discovered the door slightly ajar. He hadn’t used the front door. When he’d saddled Hermes, he’d used the back door as it was closer to the stables. Instantly, he went on alert. No one should be at the house.
With stealth, he entered and looked about the entry hall. Suddenly, the floor above him creaked. Whoever was here stood directly above him. Without delay, he quietly took the stairs two at a time. The room where the sound had come was the dowager’s bedroom, the same room that they’d occupied all those years ago.
The door stood wide open. Without hesitating, Ash went inside. No one was around. But suddenly, the door slammed shut behind him. When he whirled around, he raised his fists, ready to confront whoever was there.
Ash’s heart stuttered in his chest as he lowered his hands. “What the bloody hell, Robbie?”
“I could ask you the same.” Robert strolled forward and placed his hands on Ash’s shoulders and studied him. “You left Elizabeth and me.”
Elizabeth stepped out of the dressing room and into the bedroom. She lifted the note Ash had left for them in her hand as her eyes flashed with anger.