Page 418 of Pride Not Prejudice
Immediately, she stood at his side. “Robbie, I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“I’m the one who owes you an apology, my love.” He finally turned his gaze to hers. The sight of Elizabeth’s eyes filling with tears almost brought him to his knees. “Don’t cry. She’s not worth your tears.”
“No, but you are,” she murmured.
Her words provided much-needed succor for the torment he felt over his aunt’s action. He’d take that comfort offered by his wife and gather the strength needed to see this through.
“Come, let’s sit down.” Not letting go of her hand, he gently tugged Elizabeth back to the sofa. When they were seated, he turned to Southart. “Your Grace, I want to assure you that I had no idea of my aunt’s intrigues.”
The duke held up his hand. “The thought didn’t even cross my mind.” His brow furrowed in contemplation. “I feel an obligation to tell the members who’ve had lies printed about them who the source is.” His gaze met Robert’s. “They will undoubtedly tell their wives not to have anything to do with Lady Eleanor from this day forward. She’ll be ruined.”
“And deservedly so.” Robert squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. The thought of his aunt being directly cut by society was both a delight and grim.
The duke nodded once. “Thank you for understanding. I’ll inform the members who’ve been harmed that you and Lady Overton were unaware of your aunt’s transgressions. It shouldn’t impact your work or your political aspirations.”
A sudden realization made him smile. For the first time that day, Robert felt actually hopeful. This fiasco could turn into something of a silver lining. It would give him the necessary ammunition to quit his work in London.
“Might I ask a favor?” Robert asked Southart.
“Of course,” the duke answered with a quizzical look on his face.
“The time has come for me to spend more time at my ancestral home. With this scandal, I believe it would do Elizabeth and me good to be away from the city. Would you correspond with me and let me know when important speeches are on the floor and when critical votes are to occur? I can easily travel back and forth from Wickford to London.”
“Gladly,” the duke answered with a smile. “I’m a little envious that your ancestral seat is so close to the city. A half day’s travel is much more convenient than the distance to my country estate.”
Robert grinned. “It is convenient. More importantly, it’s beautiful there, and one of my wife’s favorite places in the world.”
The duke stood. “We won’t take up any more of your time.”
Richmond rose as well.
He and Elizabeth followed suit.
“My lord, I find that in my previous work I’ve made a lot of enemies.” A rare but sheepish smile tugged at Richmond’s lips. “I hope that you and Lady Overton will forgive me for my past transgressions.”
Before Robert could speak, Elizabeth shook Richmond’s hand. “We have, sir.”
“The next time you see Mr. Hawksworth, I’d be obliged if you’d extend my apologies to him as well.”
“I will, Mr. Richmond,” Elizabeth said smiling.
Robert shook both of the men’s hands. “Thank you for coming here. As you might imagine, this is quite a shock that my only remaining blood relative is spreading rumors about my most beloved.” He included Ash in that group. He, Elizabeth, and Ash were family.
Southart nodded sympathetically. “I have to ask this question. If you don’t want to answer, I understand completely.” He paused for a second. “Why would your own aunt try to sully your reputation.”
Robert took a deep breath as he held the duke’s gaze. “I can only imagine that she thought it a way to ensure that I stay here and face the rumors. She wants me to take on more and more leadership in Parliament. However, I informed her of my desire to go home.” He glanced at Elizabeth. “My wife needs to return to Overton Hall. The London air doesn’t agree with her. Dr. Camden believes it will help with her breathing and coughing.”
Southart nodded knowingly. “I’d listen to Dr. Camden. He’s a good man. He takes care of my family if we’re ill. I trust him completely. If there’s anything else I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
After the two men took their leave, the study turned silent as they both contemplated what they’d discovered.
Elizabeth lifted her gaze from the study of the carpet. “That must be why Ash left. Eleanor probably told him that the rumors about the affair would continue and, thus, ruin you and me.” She shook her head and closed her eyes. “Eleanor never cared for him and made her dislike known to all of us.”
“I’m going to confront her and end this immediately.” He came to her side to press a kiss against her lips.
She leaned away, a steely look in her eyes. “You don’t think you’re going without me, do you?”
Chapter Ten