Page 403 of Pride Not Prejudice
As he spoke, he smiled. It was difficult to tell whether his smile or the golden hair on his head was brighter.
Ash bowed. “I believe it was two summers ago, Your Grace. I’ve been helping my brother become settled on the family estate.”
The duke frowned slightly. “I heard of your father’s passing. I didn’t know the man, but I’m sorry for your loss.”
A flash of appreciation blazed in Ash’s eyes. “Thank you. He was a good man, and both my brother and I miss him every day.”
Robert stood from his desk and made his way to the door. “You’ve surprised me. How lucky that my darling wife and…my other best friend are visiting me today.” He came to her side and raised her hand to his lips. “My lady.”
She dipped a curtsey. “My lord.”
Robert extended his hand to Ash.
Ash took it but smirked at the display. “My lord.” He looked between the two men. “We didn’t mean to intrude. I’ve newly arrived in town, and Lady Overton was kind enough to keep me company today. We thought we’d visit. However, it appears we’re interrupting.”
“Not at all.” The duke waved a hand for them to come in. “Overton and I were discussing our positions on the various laws that will be proposed this session. Nothing that can’t wait for another day.”
By the look on Robert’s face, he seemed pleased with the discussion. He was at ease with the duke.
“Are you and Lord Overton in agreement or do you argue during these discussions?” Ash queried innocently.
“We have a pleasant discourse,” the duke said then glanced at Elizabeth and smiled. “By the way, my wife is hosting a small soiree this evening. Nothing formal but a small dinner for a few people and dancing afterward. I would be pleased if the three of you could attend.”
Without hesitating, Ash nodded his head. “We would love to, wouldn’t we?” He turned his attention to Robert and Elizabeth. “I mean, if it works with your schedules, I’d be delighted to attend as well.”
“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Robert said with a nod.
“Thank you, Your Grace. Please send our regards to your duchess as well.” Elizabeth dipped another small curtsey.
To be invited to the Duke of Southart’s house was a coup on so many levels for Robert.
As the duke took his leave, he turned to Robert. “Overton, I’ve enjoyed our conversation. When you find someone who agrees with you on the majority of issues, you learn to stay close to that person.”
“I couldn’t agree more, Southart,” Robert grinned as he shook hands with the duke.
Elizabeth stole a glance at Ash, who was smiling in Southart’s direction.
As soon as the door closed, Robert let out a breath. “Never in my wildest dreams did I expect Southart to hold the same values and beliefs as I do on so many issues.”
Instantly, Ash broke out into a laugh. “This is perfect, don’t you think?”
Elizabeth saw the look shared between the two of them. “What are you both about? There’s something going on that you’re not telling me.”
Ash took her hand and brought her to Robert’s desk. He indicated one chair that sat in the front. He waited to take the other until she was seated. Elizabeth had always been impressed with his impeccable manners.
He arranged the tails of his coat, then looked to Robert, who nodded in agreement. “Your two husbands had quite the discussion today when you quit the breakfast room.”
“Oh? I assume it was about me?” Elizabeth clasped her hands in her lap, trying to hide the pique she felt. She was never the jealous type. Anything Robert and Ash shared that brought them delight brought her the same joy whether she was involved or not. But the idea that they were discussing her situation behind her back was another story.
Robert knelt by her side and took her hand in his. “I can tell by the set of your jaw, you’re annoyed, and I’m sorry. But I worry for you and your health. I’m trying to find a way that we can spend more time at Overton Hall. That would mean less time in London.” He lifted her chin slightly. “Wouldn’t that make you happy?”
Her eyes blurred at his tender touch. Ash came to stand beside her, but she couldn’t look at him, or she’d burst out crying. For her to go through life with a person who loved every part of her, including all her faults and failures, was the greatest gift she could ever have imagined. To have two people feel that way about her was riches beyond comprehension.
“It would make me happier than I could ever deserve,” she said softly.
Robert pressed his lips to hers. “You’re telling a falsehood. You deserve everything.”
“Indeed, Lizzie,” Ash murmured as he took her hand and helped her stand.