Page 392 of Pride Not Prejudice
I can hardly sleep at night knowing I’ll soon be home.
Humbly yours,
“He’ll soon be in our arms.” Elizabeth buried her head against Robert’s chest.
Robert wrapped his arm around her, then gently lifted her chin to peer at her expression.
As two matching tears cascaded down her face, Elizabeth smiled through the trembling of her lips. “I’m so happy.”
“Oh, my love,” Robert said tenderly as he kissed one of the tears away, then the other, before he pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Me too.”
A whimper escaped, and Elizabeth wrapped her arms around Robert’s neck. What started as a kiss of comfort became an inferno of want and need. It was the first time in months that the off-kilter unease in their world was absent.
Slowly, Elizabeth pulled away. “When do you think he’ll arrive? I should have Cook prepare his favorite meals.”
Robert laughed at her excitement. “Perhaps I need to order that rare whiskey that he adores.”
“And his favorite champagne.” Elizabeth pressed her hands to Robert’s cheeks and smacked him on the lips. “We’ll have a celebration that will rival Christmas.”
Wanting to remember his wife’s absolute joy, he studied her face, particularly her expressive eyes. His wife was ecstatic. As was he. And why wouldn’t they be? Their spouse, who happened to be their best friend and lover, was finally returning home. The house had been incredibly quiet and empty over the last year. When Ash’s father had died a year ago, his brother Daniel, the new viscount, really didn’t understand much about the care and upkeep of the estate. It was Ash’s passion, and he loved his brother. So, he’d sacrificed a year away from them to assist his brother. It was a testament to the degree of Ash’s loyalty to those he loved.
Though they’d visited him at his brother’s estate, it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t their home. The truth was that London would never be their home either. Ever since the three of them had moved here, they had all been out of sorts in a modest way. Even Robert couldn’t explain it himself, but there was no denying that they were happiest in the country. Overton Hall and the beautiful Essex countryside would always be the place that held their hearts. They traveled there every chance they could.
“Did Ash mention when he’d start his journey? We could figure his approximate arrival.” Elizabeth took the letter and studied it. “I should have known. He never does give us notice, does he?” She tapped her lips with the letter and smiled. “It doesn’t matter. I’m just happy he’s coming home.”
“Excuse me, my lord and my lady?”
Their butler, Winter, rocked on his heels with a satisfied grin.
“What is it?” Elizabeth asked.
“Not what but who,” a familiar voice drawled. “It’s me.”
Suddenly, Mr. Asher Hawksworth stood before them in the flesh. With his arms held out wide as if ready for both Robert and Elizabeth to fall into his embrace.
“Thank you, Winter. We’ll have an early dinner. I’m sure Mr. Hawksworth is tired,” Robert said.
“And famished,” Ash called out.
The butler nodded, then closed the door behind him. His quiet exuberance was clearly etched on his face. Even the staff was happy that Ash was home.
Without hesitating, Elizabeth rose from the sofa and launched herself into Ash’s arms. Just as he’d done when they were children, he spun in a swift but graceful circle, twirling Elizabeth as he held her tightly. After making three turns and coming to a slow stop, Ash gently set her down.
“You’re still as beautiful as ever, love.” He cradled Elizabeth’s head in his hands and kissed her as if he were a dying man desperate for food. Elizabeth returned the kiss with equal passion.
When Ash slowly pulled away, he took Elizabeth’s hand as his gaze met Robert’s. “Don’t I deserve a warm homecoming from you as well?”
It was all the invitation Robert needed. In two quick strides, he wrapped his arms around Ash’s chest and squeezed him tight. “God, how I’ve missed you.”
Ash wrapped his arms around Robert and squeezed in return. “Not any more than I missed you.” After a full minute, Ash pulled away as his gaze slowly slid down Robert’s form. His eyes glistened in appreciation. “And you are still as handsome as I remember. Perhaps even more.” He stilled as he continued to study Robert. His burrow furrowed. “Is that a gray hair?”
“Hardly. You must be losing your eyesight,” Robert retorted. “My father had hair black as coal when he was my age.”
“Must have been the light.” Ash winked.
Dressed in doeskin breeches, a linen shirt, and a black morning coat, Ash was the epitome of style and grace. With his confident air, he looked like he could have strolled out of any of the famous Bond Street tailors known for dressing the finest gentlemen in society. Even his cravat was perfectly tied. But it was the affectionate warmth in his mischievous gaze that made him devastatingly attractive.