Page 347 of Pride Not Prejudice
Yordan’s breath caught. “He’s alive?”
Apparently the fairy didn’t need the words to be written out because he answered.
He isn’t dead.
Which didn’t necessarily mean he was alive either, but it was a glimmer of hope. And that was all Yordan needed. He snatched the book from McNabb’s hand. The Scotsman was way too important to Wulf, Inc. to risk himself. Whereas Yordan could get screwed over by a fairy deal and no one would care.
Deal, he wrote. Then he signed his own name to it and felt the weight of the magic settle on his shoulders. Only to have The Scot grab his hand.
“Are you fucking crazy?” he demanded.
No. Just desperate. Just really fucking desperate for a reason he couldn’t even name.
“Uh-uh,” McNabb said as he snatched the journal back. “As your superior officer, this lands on me.” Then he scrawled his own name at the bottom and went to draw a big, dark line through Yordan’s name.
Except, true to the fact of all fairies being assholes, the pen abruptly stopped working. Both their names were now writ big and bold right at the bottom of the page.
“Fuck,” McNabb muttered. “That’s not what I intended at all.”
Which was what always happened whenever some idiot made a fairy deal.
Werewolf Captain America?
Kit groaned when he saw both their names in bold letters at the bottom of the page. He’d meant to spare Yordan this task. He knew how close Yordan and Coffee were. Hadn’t he just walked in on the guy sobbing out grief that had been churning inside him for nearly two years? It was not Yordan’s task to fix Coffee’s screw-up. It was Kit’s as head of all the combat packs.
But now, they were both tied into this disaster, and they had better start working on it now.
Fortunately, he knew just the person to help. If he ever needed something to be handled super quick, he called on Pee. Her name was actually Serena Chin. She was a Chinese werewolf whose magic somehow made her work at twice normal human speed. And that was on a slow day. She’d picked the name Speedy Gonzales, which her friends shortened to Pee because packmates could be obnoxious.
He grabbed his cell phone and typed his first email to her. The second went company-wide, saying that any debts to Coffee were now held by a fairy. All forfeits must be dispatched immediately to Pee or suffer the consequences. He didn’t bother to spell out the threat. Everyone knew that fairies could be real assholes.
Serena was in the room before he hit send on the second email. Her eyes were bright, her expression calm. One might even call her inscrutable if it weren’t for her mouth that perpetually quirked into a half smile. As if she knew something funny but wasn’t going to share. Which she probably did. Also, because she was busy, not inscrutable.
He shoved the diary at her without a word. Yordan was already going through the spiral notebooks. They had to figure out who owed what and get all debts resolved ASAP.
It took Pee all of two minutes before she looked up and said, “You two are idiots.”
Yordan snapped back, “Opinions like that waste time.”
At the exact same moment, Kit tossed her the rest of the spiral notebooks. “Organize and start collection. Meanwhile…”
Meanwhile, what? He swallowed and tried to think through things clearly. There was too much. Flexible thinking was no help when the task was so big his mind shorted out.
Worse, he kept remembering his own bet with Coffee. Why the hell hadn’t he realized it long before now? Here was the cause of his “shifting problem.” One night of drinking with Coffee and… Fuck! A drunken confession turned into a challenge, which led to a stupid bet. He hadn’t even remembered that night until he’d seen the bet written dark and bold in the spiral notebook.
Well, at least he didn’t have to go to Scotland now. The cause of his freakish debilitation was now clear.
“I can’t think…” he murmured. Fortunately, Yordan was able to help cut through the chaos.
“Focus on the alphas first. If they have a debt, that’ll screw up the whole pack.”
Only one pack was on a mission right that second. All the others were resting or en route to one. “Oh shit. It’s a puppy pack facing their first monster.”
He punched a number into his phone and spoke for everyone’s benefit. “I’m taking the helicopter to Torch Lake. I’ll be in there in ten. Who have we got who’s combat ready?”
Pee frowned. “Torch Lake?” She got it a second later. “Fuck.”