Page 319 of Pride Not Prejudice
“Thanks. Have I told you how glad I am we’re friends?”
“Honestly, no, you haven’t. You really should work on that. I might start to feel unappreciated.”
“Look, mate, you asked me to join you for dinner. I didn’t come here to be told how crap I look.”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” My chest tightened. I hadn’t told Aiden a damn thing about Killian and me.
“Jamie, don’t bullshit me. I’ve known you for what, twenty years now?”
Close but who’s counting? I didn’t say that. Instead, I let him continue.
“If you try to tell me there wasn’t more going on with Killian, I’m gonna throw this drink in your face.”
I heaved a sigh. “Fine. There was more.”
“Thank you. Jesus, was that so hard?”
“Too bloody right, it was. You know I don’t talk about my relationships. That’s private.”
“There it is. Relationship.”
“We were…” I sighed heavily, trying to figure out the best way to tell him about Killian without diminishing the importance of what he was to me.
“He was my…fuck, my reason.”
“Shit. Wait. You mean like…your one.”
“What do you mean one?”
“You know, the one. The one we write songs about. The one every gut-wrenching power ballad is about. The one you come to with open arms. You know that one.”
God, was he? Maybe.
“Possibly?” I said it like a question because I wasn’t sure, and a big part of me didn’t want to admit it.
I’d been the one to walk away. I’d let him go. I’d hurt him. I was sure of it.
“But you’re sure this was the right decision?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“You don’t know?”
My gut churned. “I’m fucking miserable.”
“Then why are you here?
I was really regretting agreeing to meet him for dinner now. “Because he has an opportunity to get everything he wants.”
“You sure about that?”
“Wouldn’t you have given anything to get Violet Hour back together?”
Aiden sat back in his chair, let out a low whistle, then knocked back the rest of his drink. “Yeah, I fucking would’ve. I did.”
“Exactly. I’m not gonna keep him from being the best version of himself he can be. That would be like if he asked me to stop performing. It would be cutting me off at the knees and then watching me bleed out. I won’t do that. Full stop.”