Page 248 of Pride Not Prejudice
It was.
I understand, but being back here, feeling myself falling again before I even realized I’d gotten close to the cliff—
I should know better.
I should want to end this date as quickly as possible. Grab that bottle of tequila Lizzo’s been saving for me and put us both out of our misery.
But even knowing better, I don’t want this to end.
Wrapping my hands around the wheel, I hold tight so I don’t reach for him.
Another mile, and my time is up. I take a left down his drive, my heart sinking as I pull to a stop in front of his perfect house.
I cut the engine and let myself out while he does the same.
Wind rustles through the trees, muting the rush of waves as we stand facing each other in the moonlight.
“Thank you.” I swallow hard. “For letting me take you out and pretend for a few hours that my life was in a place where I could have something like this.” Someone like him.
Cam nods, giving me a smile that hurts to look at. “It’s nice to be reminded what a good date feels like. And nice to be with you. It’s always been that way.”
“It has.” I lift an arm, inviting him in for a hug because I can’t not give him one. And after tonight, there’s no telling whether I’ll have another chance. I’m supposed to be in town for a month, but the idea of living this close to Cam Dorsey and pretending I don’t know what his mouth feels like on mine or how good we could be together if only both our lives and priorities were completely different? It’s brutal.
He steps into me, wrapping one arm around my back while giving my shoulder a friendly squeeze with the other. Ouch.
I ought to be grateful he’s able to be so cool about this, but it feels wrong.
Our chests linger in that half press, his head beside mine. Neither of us moving, like maybe he needs this last contact the same way I do.
Too soon, his hand leaves my shoulder.
That’s it.
This is the end.
Except instead of letting me go, by some miracle, he pulls me closer, both arms coming around my back, his hands fisting in my shirt as he buries his face in my neck.
A shock of breath bursts free and then I’m clinging to him with a force that matches his.
“Trevor.” He burrows impossibly closer, his voice as rough as I’ve ever heard it. “I get that it’s not as simple as it could be, or even as simple as you need. But maybe… it doesn’t have to be that complicated either.”
I blink, unable to move or speak or breathe.
“Maybe,” he goes on, “if we went into this with our eyes open and no expectations beyond this month—”
“Cam.” However he’s going to finish that has to wait. Because my fist is in his hair, and our mouths are slamming together in a demanding crush.
There’s more tenderness in my heart for Cam than I have ever felt for another, but this kiss conveys none of it.
This kiss is desperate and hungry.
Deep and aggressive.
This kiss is everything.
His tongue is in my mouth, rubbing firm against the press of mine. Our chests and hips bump together as we angle and shift, needing to get closer. Needing more.