Page 240 of Pride Not Prejudice
Maybe if I’d given us a chance, he would have been all in the way he promised. Or maybe he would have realized within a few hours or days that we weren’t worth risking his dreams over—
Fuck. I press the heels of my hands against my eyes and rub.
This kind of speculation is exactly what I don’t want to start my damn day with.
My life is good. It’s everything I said I wanted. And his life just keeps getting better. I’ve seen him play. No way are the Slayers sending him back down.
And he’s not out.
It’s that simple.
All I need to do is stay away from him and both our lives will keep on going just the way we want them to.
Easy. Last night was a moment of weakness. Okay, more like two hours of weakness. Followed by another of sitting in the dark, watching all the Internet clips of Trevor I could find on my laptop.
I throw my legs out of bed, stretch the muscles that got twice their anticipated workout yesterday, and get ready for work. I’m already running late, so there’s no time for coffee or breakfast, only a record-breaking shower before heading to the store.
I’m making a bigger deal of him being back than I need to.
Seriously, I need to turn my focus back to the here and now. The town I love. The natural beauty that is literally surrounding me with the deep woods and a lush canopy of maples, cedar, balsams, and birch so thick the warm, golden sun can only sneak through for a peek here and—
What the hell?
I slow as I approach the completely jacked hottie jogging shirtless up my road. The man who isn’t a permanent fixture in this landscape but fits in like he never left.
Trev’s wide smile is directed at me. He waves and starts to walk, pushing thick fingers through a mess of untamed blond waves I really shouldn’t be thinking about getting my fingers into. Sweat drips down the hard-packed terrain of his chest and layered abs, soaking into a pair of gray sport shorts that don’t leave nearly enough to the imagination.
And as if all that mouthwatering hotness isn’t torture enough, he hasn’t shaved. And this man’s morning-after stubble glinting in the early sun is like my personal Kryptonite.
I should keep driving, flash a smile, and roll right past. But glutton for punishment that I am, I pull to a stop beside him and lean out my open window with a grin. “I don’t see you once in four years, and now this is three times in twenty-four hours. We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”
For a minute, he looks like he’s going to say something, but instead he takes a few seconds to catch his breath as he looks around. Then, “Pretty up through here.”
“Yeah, it is.” Even more so with him around for the next month.
“You a runner?” he asks with a jut of his chin, those blue eyes coming back to mine.
Only from you.
I grip the back of my neck, reminding myself not to get excited. It’s not like he was going to ask me along or something. “Not really. I get my cardio in the pool.”
“And lake.” A dimple pops in his cheek, and suddenly I’ve got to shift in my seat.
Were these jeans so tight this morning?
“And the lake,” I agree with a laugh that feels like it comes from some deeper place inside me than I knew I had. “I’m not much for land sports.”
“Yeah.” He scrubs a wide hand over that rough-cut jaw, and holy shit, the way he’s looking at me, those hot eyes dragging from my eyes to my hair to my mouth… my chest.
It’s almost like— No, that can’t be right.
I swallow hard, looking at the steering wheel, the side mirror. Him.
Get it together, man.
“Seriously, though, aren’t you supposed to be on break? I slept in to the last possible second this morning, forgoing my shot at a decent cup of coffee so I could get an extra ten minutes.” And then I remember that I’m on my way to work. “Oh shit! I really did oversleep. I’ve gotta go, or I’m going to be late.”
Trevor steps back from the car with a grin. “Not on my watch. Get out of here.”