Page 16 of Pride Not Prejudice
Judith turned in the seat with a rustle of fabric, the scent of tea and buttery cake clinging to her.
“Dearest Bobby.” Her voice was soft, taking on the note of desire it did in the dark of night. “The anchor in my swirling world. I love you, my silly darling.”
Happiness welled in Bobby’s chest, displacing the sharp ache that had nestled there. Tears stung her eyes, but she swallowed them down. It would never do to become a blubbering fool. She had better things to do at the moment.
Bobby hid her shakiness by tossing her already crushed hat to the seat Mrs. H. had vacated. “Well. That’s all right, then.”
Judith’s answering smile nearly undid her. Bobby had often wondered what she and Judith could do in a carriage, bumping alone together through the middle of London.
Her blood warmed as Judith brushed a hand over Bobby’s cheek … then Judith carefully pulled down all the shades and proceeded to show Bobby exactly what was possible.
Thank you for reading! The characters of Bobby and Miss Townsend are from the Below Stairs Mysteries, a Victorian-set mystery series featuring Kat Holloway, a cook in a Mayfair home. More information can be found on the website:
About the Author
Jennifer Ashley is a NY Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of more than 100 novels and novellas in romance, mystery, fantasy, and historical fiction. As Jennifer, she writes historical, paranormal, and contemporary romance, historical mysteries, and historical fiction; as Ashley Gardner, she writes historical mysteries; and as Allyson James, she writes urban fantasy as well as some sci-fi romance. She lives in the Southwest and enjoys traveling, cooking, walking, knitting, and building dollhouse miniatures.
For information on her novels as Jennifer Ashley and Allyson James visit Also see (Ashley Gardner) for her other works.
“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.”
Chapter One
“Sacred hate and ancient ire,
By the wind, water, and fire.
Reach through the souls now owned by me
And pluck the one who shall be freed.
A lover fair, a beauty bold,
To ensnare a heart so cold.
Force a King to his knees,
And bring him to be ruled by me.”
Wyrd Sisters:
“As we will, so mote it be!”
The Highland cave became as still as a tomb, and even the Wyrd sisters held their collective breath until one small bare foot stepped out of the nether, followed by a strong calf, long, sensuous thighs, and a body that would have melted the hearts of the most brutal of beings.
Pale, luminous skin glowed in the light of the nether, illuminating eyes the color of amethysts and hair as dark as midnight.
“Mistress,” the shade spoke, running elegant fingers along bare flesh as though he couldn’t believe what he felt. “What is your will?”
“Malcolm de Moray,” Badb spat the name. “Bring him back to me, I haven’t finished with him yet.”