Page 93 of Shame Me Not
“Andrew,” I sighed, too tired to try and convince him whatever we had wouldn’t work.
“No,” he said again, quieter this time but just as fierce. “I’ll say when I’m done, and though I may be behind in winning you over, I want a fair chance to pull ahead. Give me the second weekend of spring break. Just give me a chance.”
His blue eyes locked on mine as he moved closer, grasping onto my hands. They felt good, safe. Despite knowing that he deserved more, I couldn’t refuse him. That he was safe was what won me over, reminded me that I wanted what he represented. I just needed to commit to him.
Eventually I would commit. When I could think more and focus more. Too much rattled my mind to devote myself to anyone but my mom. Until then, I needed to give him a fair shot. A trip away with just the two of us would be the effort I’d been holding back on.
Andrew pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and lingered there. “Please,” he whispered.
He pulled back with the first smile I’d seen on him that night. “Awesome. It’ll be a great weekend. I already know where I want to take you.”
“Where?” His excitement spread to me and I smiled.
“It’s a surprise.” He kissed my forehead once more before getting up. When I went to stand with him, he waved his hands. “No, you sit. Enjoy your tea. I’ll see myself out. And please call me if you need anything. A ride. Someone to talk to. Anything.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
He blew me a kiss and closed the door behind him.
My smile faded as I stared down at the cup of cold tea, which I didn’t even like.
Chapter Thirty-Seven
“Are you even trying, Kev? Do you need me to hit it right at you for a decent fight?” Ana taunted me from the other side of the volleyball net. I couldn’t help that I was more distracted by her bouncing tits barely contained in her bathing suit top.
“I’m just being a gentleman and trying not to hurt your feelings.”
Mom, Dad, and Ana’s mom laughed from their beach chairs on the side lines. I turned with my hands on my hips, looking affronted. “Are you laughing at your own flesh and blood,” I accused before turning to my mom. “Your baby boy, Mom?”
“Don’t go whining to your mom, son. At least be a man about a girl kicking your ass,” Dad said, laughing.
“Thanks, Dad,” I muttered, turning back to prepare for Ana’s serve.
“Twelve-Two,” Ana shouted before tossing the ball up and stretching her luscious body to raise her arm and hit the ball. I fell to my knees just in time to return it across the net. We had a few volleys back and forth until Ana dove for a ball, causing me to almost swallow my tongue when I saw her top shift. Needless to say, I missed the ball.
“Distracted, Kevin?” she asked with a smirk. I narrowed my eyes at her, realizing her game. She did it all on purpose. “Tease,” I mouthed at her. She just shrugged and moved back to serve. Oh, she was going to get it.
We’d been at the beach for three days and were heading home the next day. Being there with Ana had been both heaven and hell. Heaven because I had constant access to her, and we laid out on the deck every night just like when we were kids. It settled a piece in my chest I hadn’t even known was missing. However, it was hell because our parents were around every corner, and like now, I wanted to toss her on the sand and spank her ass for teasing me, but I couldn’t with our audience.
Having Ana’s mom there settled something in Ana, too. She seemed lighter than I’d seen her since we’d met up again. Both women had a tan that agreed with them and smiles that never stopped. Every time I heard Ana’s laugh, I wanted to drop everything so we could stay at the house in Florida forever. Anything to make her as happy as she was.
I was hoping, ever since she’d agreed to come, that I’d be able to find time to talk to her. She’d be more relaxed and hopefully open to hearing me talk about our past. She’d resisted every time I brought it up, and I let her because I stuck to keeping things light, with no pressure. But as the year rounded to a close and graduation loomed, I wanted to expand on our relationship and take it further. To do that, I needed to truly and deeply apologize, and she needed to let me.
I guess letting her kick my ass in volleyball was a good place to start to put her in a good mood. She enjoyed every point with a little too much excitement and bounce. Such a tease.